
Remembering My Father Part III: Bringing His Camera Home

"I really want to get the light meter fixed," my dad told me once, years ago. "It's been hard, I don't think they make the parts anymore. " By the late 2010s, my dad had given up on ever getting his Nikon Photomic FTn ever working again.

Beautiful And Versatile! Fujifilm GF 20-35mm F4 Lens Review

I always look forward to reviewing Fujifilm GFX gear. It is simple to use, the colors are excellent, and the images don't require much editing. There aren't a lot of lens options, so every new lens release is met with anticipation.

Beautiful Display! HP ZBook Firefly G9 14 Review

I began my computer journey as a photographer on a PC and had to learn how to operate a Mac in college. The simplicity of Apple was difficult to adapt to at first, but I learned to appreciate the lack of keystrokes.

Ilford Delta 100 Film Review: Some of the Best!

Black and white film photography is my favorite. I feel fortunate that I was able to learn my favorite art form in a dark room. The ambiance of the amber lights, the smell of chemicals, and the sound of running water against your favorite music are second to none.

My New Favorite Photography Accessory: The E-Bike

Away from the world, the city, and the light pollution, I stood in a green forest where the breeze couldn’t even penetrate the trees surrounding me. It was an area that only existed to me in my imagination after multiple times of poring over Google Maps and allowing my mind to wander. [Read More]

Hasselblad 501CM Review: A Beautiful and Legendary Camera

Film continues to surge in popularity, and our team at Phoblographer is here for it. Nothing is better than hearing a shutter’s sound and advancing film. Plus, the slower pace is refreshing. Medium format remains at the top of many wishlists.

7 Tips for Photographing Dreamlike Landscapes

Luke Stackpoole is a London-based landscape photographer and Adobe Lightroom Ambassador who has traveled around the world in search of dramatic scenery. From the barren deserts of Namibia to the frigid seascapes of Iceland, Stackpoole has amassed a stunning portfolio that shows the world’s most dreamlike landscapes. [Read More]

A Bag Full of Sadness. Manfrotto Advanced Active III Review

When it comes to camera bags, I'm incredibly proud of the work we've done here at the Phoblographer. We've arguably reviewed the most camera bags of any publication. And our team has a variety of body shapes, plus we're of different genders.

Photographer Captures the Beauty of Latvia in Infrared Photos

During the summer of 2021, I was invited by a close friend living in Latvia to visit the country for a few days. Totally foreign to the Baltic countries, I was able to discover Latvia through different aspects, from its capital Riga to national parks and forests, passing by a memorial of the Second World War. [Read More]

How to Find and Photograph the Northern Lights

The northern lights, otherwise known as aurora borealis, are the winter-time spectacle that sees northern skies filled with incredible dancing lights. Caused by the interaction of photons exciting the gas molecules in Earth’s atmosphere, they can appear as green, pink, or blue.

Photographing and Backpacking Through Gates of the Arctic National Park

Seeking a wilderness escape from the global pandemic, three friends embarked on a journey to one of the wildest and most scenic areas on the continent: Gates of the Arctic National Park. Two of the members, Matt Meisenheimer and Max Foster, are professional landscape photographers and spent years studying the park for compelling mountains and […]

HPRC Now Offers Hard Cases Customized For Specific Camera Gear

Italian-based HPRC has recently started making a variety of custom hard-shell cases for a plethora of camera brands and models including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Blackmagic, and DJI. Finding the right camera bag or case can be a complicated and pricey task.

Top 5 Places to Photograph in Meteora, Greece

An ancient beauty of nature and human engineering, Meteora is a UNESCO-listed Monastery Complex located in northern Greece. Composed of tall vertical cliffs and century-old monasteries, this beautiful landscape draws a solid crowd of visitors every year.

Mt. Fuji’s 5 Best Landscape Photography Locations

I have been visiting the surrounding areas of Mt. Fuji for the last ten years and would have to say the easiest way to get around quickly is in a hire car. Most of the best viewing points are from the lakes and hilltops.

Photographing the Namib Desert: ‘At One With Forever’

Many people feel pulled toward the wild areas of the grand Earthscape, especially to wild areas. It is important for them to know these places exist, even if they cannot go there. The spiritual connection is deep and infinite.

Stunning Timelapse Film Shows the Pure Magic of New Zealand

Since travel has been near non-existent for the last year, many have resorted to living travel experiences virtually. Thanks to this incredible 8K timelapse film from Michael Shainblum, you can visit the stunning island nation of New Zealand from the comfort of home.

Lofoten, Norway: A Landscape Photographer’s Dream

Due to the pioneering adventures of a few, the Lofoten Islands have become a winter magnet for landscape photographers. Light has begotten this new pilgrimage. And February is the high season. The month commences with 5 hours of daylight and ends with 10.

For the World Traveler: Gura Gear Chobe 2.0 Review

From designs for hiking to street photography, camera bags are becoming less one-size-fits-all and more specialized. The Gura Gear Chobe 2. 0 is designed with the opposite idea in mind. Dubbed as an everyday bag, the Chobe 2.

The Reasons You Need a Backpack as Your Next Camera Bag

Of any standing photo publication, we've done the most reviews of camera bags. If you're typically looking for something, you come to us. So today, we're presenting an infographic on choosing the right camera bag for you.

The Most Fun I’ve Had. Hasselblad 907X 50C Review

How many of you would believe me if I told you that the Hasselblad 907X 50C is an excellent JPEG camera? Many would probably clamor for my head on a stake. Others wouldn't believe me. And yet some would agree with me.

Hiking In Badlands National Park

We all know that the USA has a lot of national parks. Thus it is no secret that some become hidden gems. That sees few visitors throughout the years.

How To Save Money for Your Photography Passion

A common barrier for people trying to break into or sustain their path in photography is money. Gear, editing tools, accessories, travel, none of them are cheap. You would be forgiven for thinking that unless you're a rich business tycoon, then photography isn't an option for you.

Portraits of Strangers on the Streets of Cuba

For my project “The World I See,” I have gone to 19 countries in the last 12 months and walked up to strangers to ask for their photograph. In the beginning, I was just walking up to people, getting their photographs, and then walking away.

5 Reasons to Go Out and Capture Your Local Landscapes More Often

Denmark-based landscape photographer Mads Peter Iversen recently put together a tips video for landscape photographers that has nothing to do with technique and everything to do perspective. It’s called: 5 Important Reasons to do Local Landscape Photography.

Photographing Inside Cuba’s Legendary Boxing Gym

Cuba is home to many stunning scenes, intriguing locations, and fascinating people, and photographers across the globe have made it their mission to tell their story. The latest on our list of favorite documentary photography works set in the country explores one of its most iconic boxing gyms, as captured by Jason Bax and John Towner.

Shooting Street Photos in Ethiopia

My first time in a Sub-Saharan African country was in Ethiopia, and to be honest I wasn’t sure what to expect. Well, yes I know, I was expecting to get ‘in the zone’ at all times and take hundreds of great pictures like I expect from all my photography trips. Not too much to ask, […]

Himalayan Winter: Frigid Frames on Film by Nandakumar Narasimhan

The Himalayas is home to some of the most stunning landscapes in the world, but also the resilient people battling some of the harshest winters on the planet. This was the premise that drew Singaporean photographer Nandakumar Narasimhan to its famous peaks, in search of stories to photograph.

4 Bang for Your Buck 24-105mm Wide to Telephoto Lenses That Can Do it All

Like many other photographers out there, I have multiple lenses in my camera bag that are all suitable for various jobs and genres of photography. While it's nice to be able to pick and choose from a long list of prime lenses, sometime it's just really nice to use wide to telephoto lenses that can do-it-all, and 24-105mm lenses are just about the perfect do it all lens.


Photographing Compelling Urban Scenes With Martin Lindner

Martin Lindner is a German photographer and Adobe Lightroom Ambassador known for capturing captivating images with unique perspectives in urban environments. Lindner’s use of shapes, patterns, symmetry, and leading lines create images that ask his viewers to use their imaginations to decipher the story being told in the frame. [Read More]

Why Do My Photos of Famous Places Look Bad?

As part of its long-running "Notes and queries" segment, The Guardian asked its readers why photographs of beautiful scenery "never do it justice?" The following week, reader responses were published, offering great practical advice for amateur shutterbugs seeking to improve their travel photos. [Read More]

Pentax Lenses: Gotta Catch ’em All?

Pentax, which is no stranger to unusual strategies when it comes to cameras, announced that it was releasing season-themed photo profiles for a set of its DSLRs that would be locked behind specific lenses.

How to Take Photos Out an Airplane Window

If you are a photographer and travel by air then you know that some of the views from an airplane window can be absolutely stunning. Carrying a camera with you when flying can not only work as a nice diversion to kill time but also allow you to capture some incredible images.


The Landscape Photographer’s Guide to Japan

The images of Japan that spring to mind are of the bustling, neon-splashed streets of Tokyo—towering walls of steel and glass, teeming pedestrians dodging traffic. But the Land of the Rising Sun also harbors visions of natural beauty that stretch the eye to the horizon and tug at the soul. [Read More]

Nikon Z8 Review: The Best Camera for Most Serious Photographers

My first experience with an almost full production Nikon Z8 took me to stunning Yellowstone National Park. In the week or so that I had to play with it I found it to be a most enjoyable camera, and I was able to review most of the major aspects of the cameras handling and capabilities.

Shooting the Landscape at 70 Miles an Hour

Landscape photography at 70 mph. Is it even possible? For years the idea of landscape photography was to put your camera on a tripod, frame very carefully, then wait for the light to be perfect before you shot.