Ahead of our full review, here is a gallery of full-size sample images taken with the brand new Zeiss Milvus 18mm f/2.8 lens mounted on the Sony A7R II camera. Read the preview »
photographyblog.com2016-10-5 13:16
Ahead of our full review, here is a gallery of full-size sample images taken with the brand new Zeiss Milvus 18mm f/2.8 lens mounted on the Sony A7R II camera. Read the preview »
The-Digital-Picture has completed their review of the Zeiss Milvus 15mm f/2. 8 and have come away with some surprising results. From The-Digital-Picture: This lens’ predecessor, the Zeiss 15mm f/2. canonrumors.com »
2018-05-07 21:29
Этот объектив просто создан для того, чтобы запечатлеть совершенные моменты с изысканной детализацией. Будь то съемка пейзажей или архитектуры, превосходное качество по всему полю кадра обеспечит впечатляющие результаты. fotoexperts.ru »
2017-10-20 12:56
Анонсирован широкоугольный фикс-объектив с ручной фокусировкой Zeiss Milvus 25mm f/1.4 для полнокадровых зеркальных камер Canon и Nikon. prophotos.ru »
2017-10-19 09:40
Zeiss has added a new wide-angle lens to its Milvus line of full-frame, manual focus lenses for Nikon and Canon DSLRs. The new Milvus 25mm F1. 4 is now the fourth widest lens in the family—which ranges from 15mm to 135mm—and brings the total number to Milvus lenses to 11, four of which boast fast F1. dpreview.com »
2017-10-18 18:43
Zeiss today officially announced their new Milvus 1. 4/25 Distagon lens. Developed for full-frame Canon and Nikon cameras, this 25mm lens is suitable primarily for landscape and architecture photography and journalistic applications. photographyblog.com »
2017-10-18 13:00
Zeiss had a runaway hit with their Zeiss Milvus 35mm f1. 4 lens, and I only believe that it's fair to consider that the Zeiss Milvus 25mm f1. 4 lens is probably going to do the exact same thing. thephoblographer.com »
2017-10-18 12:30
Немецкая компания Zeiss объявила о выходе нового объектива Milvus 35mm F/1. 4, практически не имеет хроматических аберраций благодаря асферическим элементам и специальному стеклу. Эта линза нацелена на портретную фотографию. photar.ru »
2017-06-21 23:29
Zeiss has launched a new lens for full-frame DSLRs with Canon and Nikon mount, the Milvus 1. 4/35. The new model is the tenth lens in the Milvus series and according to Zeiss, thanks to its fast aperture, particularly suited for portrait photography. dpreview.com »
2017-06-21 16:12
Zeiss have launched a new lens for full-frame DSLR cameras from Canon and Nikon - the Zeiss Milvus 1.4/35.
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photographyblog.com »2017-06-21 12:00
Zeiss Milvus 35mm f/1.4 Distagon T* Specifications: Mount: Canon EF (ZE), Nikon F (ZF.2) Lens construction: 11 groups 14 pieces Shortest shooting distance: 0.3 m Maximum shooting magnification: 1: 4.6 Filter diameter: 72 mm Maximum diameter Read more... canonrumors.com »
2017-06-21 00:51
This was quite obvious but the news here is that Zeiss made it official. The Milvus lens range will never be available for the A-mount folks. On their website Zeiss answered to SAR reader Merlin Franco: The post Confirming the obvious: Zeiss has no plan to make A-mount Milvus lensest appeared first on sonyalpharumors. sonyalpharumors.com »
2016-11-05 14:53
Zeiss has announced it's adding 15mm F2. 8, 18mm F2. 8 and 135mm F2 options to its manual focus Milvus line. Counting these three, there are now nine lenses in the Milvus range. Zeiss puts an emphasis on robust construction with their full metal barrels, video-friendly features and optical designs that minimize chromatic aberration and distortion. dpreview.com »
2016-09-08 18:54
ZEISS have announced three new Milvus lenses for high-end DSLR cameras - the 2.8/15, 2.8/18 and 2/135.
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photographyblog.com »2016-09-08 18:02
Немецкая оптическая компания Zeiss анонсировала три новых мануальных объектива с фокусными расстояниями 15, 18 и 135 миллиметров для фотокамер с байонетами Canon и Nikon - две широкоугольные модели ZEISS Milvus 2,8/15, Milvus 2,8/18 и телеобъектив Milvus 2/135. dphotoworld.net »
2016-09-08 16:39
The lens family with manual focusing for DSLR cameras is now also available with focal lengths of 15, 18 and 135m OBERKOCHEN/Germany, 08/09/2016 – Two super-wide angle lenses, the ZEISS Milvus 2. 8/15 and ZEISS Milvus 2. canonrumors.com »
2016-09-08 15:27
Zeiss announced three new Milvus lenses. They come for Canon and Nikon mount only but you can use them adopted on any E-mount camera. Ming Thein and 3Dkraft well explained why these lenses are interesting for Sony folk too. sonyalpharumors.com »
2016-09-08 12:16
На сайте MirrorlessRumors размещены изображения трех новых мануальных объективов Zeiss серии Milvus: два сверхширокоугольных 15mm f/2. 8, 18mm f/2. 8 и портретный 135mm f/2. 0. Все три объектива предназначены для фотокамер с байонетами Canon и Nikon. dphotoworld.net »
2016-09-06 11:44
Milvus 1. 4/50 продолжает традиции именитой немецкой компании и хорошо вписывается в модельный ряд объективов от ZEISS. Наш герой обладает высокой резкостью и узнаваемым рисунком изображения. Этим он и привлекает к себе внимание увлечённых фотолюбителей. prophotos.ru »
2016-08-19 08:44
Dustin has completed our review of the Zeiss Milvus 50mm f/1.4 T* lens. A lens I’m happy to say appears to be far better than it’s predecessor. There are a ton of 50mm options out there, and all of them seem to have their positives and negatives, which can make a buying decision quite difficult. The Read more... canonrumors.com »
2016-08-15 16:00