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This Solar System Photo Was Shot From a Photographer’s Backyard

Check out this family portrait of our solar system. It’s a composite photo created by a single astrophotographer who photographed the planets from his own backyard in Sacramento, California. Photographer Andrew McCarthy shot the individual photos with a Sony a7 II camera, Canon 60D, ZWO ASI224MC color astronomy camera, Orion XT10 telescope, Meade 2120 telescope, […] petapixel.com »

2019-1-16 20:42

Gruesome Pictures From The 1900s Showing The Struggles Of Working Children Before Child Labor Was Abolished

In 1908 Lewis Hine picked up his camera and became the photographer for the National Child Labor Committee. It was a start of a long decade, as Lewis traveled across the country, documenting child labor, getting constant threats from factory owners as the immorality of child labor was supposed to be kept away from the public's eye. boredpanda.com »

2018-9-18 17:56

Sample gallery and impressions: the Panasonic ZS200 goes to Hogwarts

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students heading to HogwartsISO 3200 | 1/250 sec | F3. 3 | 24mm When I travel with my kids, a few things differ from my child-free traveling experiences: I can expect to carry a lot of things that don’t belong to me; Plans can and will change at the drop of a meltdown; I will see and do things that I might not normally choose; and My travel companions will have the attention span of a gnat combined with the impatience of a. dpreview.com »

2018-4-26 16:56

Photo story of the week: Locomotion

In November 2013, I was fortunate enough to backpack through Southeast Asia with my partner. We visited some incredible places, met some of the nicest people and experienced many amazing moments along the way, but the place that is most memorable for me would be the quiet town of Hoi An, in Vietnam. dpreview.com »

2018-3-10 18:00

Photo of the week: Point of Transition

At the end of the Tsauchab Dune Valley in Namibia is the famous Deadvlei, which was cut off from Sossusvlei—and any water source—by a low dune an estimated 700-800 years ago. The lack of water, the arid climate and the hard wood of the Namibian Camel Thorn tree have kept the trees of Deadvlei from decomposing. dpreview.com »

2017-7-30 19:00

Behind the Shot: The Shadow Towers

In this article I'd like to take you on a nighttime adventure to the remote Torres Del Paine National Park in Chilean Patagonia. This highly photographed park has attracted many photographers, and for good reason: it offers incredible mountainous landscapes and wonderful weather conditions, making for very interesting photography. dpreview.com »

2016-10-1 15:00