Credit: Adobe Earlier today, Adobe announced new Creative Cloud educational pricing for K-12 schools (meaning primary and secondary schools, for those outside the US), slashing the price for individual schools and school districts to just $5 per license per year with a minimum purchase of 500 licenses for a school, or 2,500 licenses for a school district.
Additional licenses can be purchased for $50 per 250.
Adobe says the move "underscores Adobe’s commitment to providing students and teachers with the world’s leading digital creative tools and skills," and is the company's way of "nurturing creativity and creative problem solving," both of which, research shows, will be key skills in tomorrow's job market.
The plans give students access to all of the Creative Cloud applications and 2GB of cloud storage each. But best of all, students won't have to be in the classroom to use the apps—named user licensing allows students to log in to and install Creative Cloud applications at home or on their mobile devices as well.
"Making Creative Cloud available at $4. 99 per year, per license—with access in schools and at home—is going to be a game changer, providing students and teachers access to apps that will unlock their inherent creativity in new and exciting ways," says Adobe's Mala Sharma, VP and GM of Creative Cloud Product, Marketing, and Community. "Making Creative Cloud affordable is just one of many actions we’re taking to reduce the barriers to teaching these skills in today’s classrooms. "
There is one thing Sharma forgot to mention: providing students with access to the Adobe CC suite starting as early as Kindergarten and Elementary School will also create a whole new generation of Adobe addicts who complain about the subscription costs but are willing to keep paying them anyway. . . welcome to the club kids.
For more information on the new pricing and Adobe's other Creative Cloud offers for educators, students, K-12 schools and beyond, click here.
Press Release
Adobe Empowers Educators with New Creative Cloud Offering for K-12
A new offer on Creative Cloud exclusively for K-12 schools and districts underscores Adobe’s commitment to providing students and teachers with the world’s leading digital creative tools and skills
SAN JOSE, Calif. — May 2, 2018 — Adobe announced today that, beginning May 15, 2018, Adobe Creative Cloud will be available to K-12 schools for $4. 99 per license, per year, with a minimum purchase quantity of 500 user licenses for a single school, or 2,500 licenses for a school district. This offer includes unprecedented access for educators and students to all Creative Cloud applications at school, at home and on any device. Adobe is committed to delivering the best tools and resources for nurturing creativity and creative problem-solving skills into the hands of educators and students. This new pricing and licensing, as well as new professional development offerings and lesson plans focused on Adobe Spark and Creative Cloud (details below), and recent release of Spark for Education with premium features free of charge for K-12 students are prime examples of that commitment.
“Strengthening the ‘A’ in STEAM, and making art and creativity core to the student learning experience is Adobe’s responsibility. Digital storytelling is a critical skill for all students, and enabling them to start creating videos, editing photos and publishing websites by grade 6 and earlier is key,” said Mala Sharma, VP & GM of Creative Cloud Product, Marketing and Community, Adobe. “Making Creative Cloud available at $4. 99 per year, per license—with access in schools and at home—is going to be a game changer, providing students and teachers access to apps that will unlock their inherent creativity in new and exciting ways. Making Creative Cloud affordable is just one of many actions we’re taking to reduce the barriers to teaching these skills in today’s classrooms. ”
Creative Cloud for K-12 Lowers Access and Cost Barriers Associated with Teaching Creativity and Creative Problem Solving to Students
A recent study conducted by Adobe, and several other third-party studies, show that jobs of the future will demand both creativity and creative problem-solving skills – two different capabilities that nearly all educators recognize as being essential for students to learn in school. However, research also shows that the biggest barriers educators currently face to nurturing these skills are the lack of access to necessary tools and technologies, and the costs associated with new technologies.
As part of Adobe’s commitment to providing educators with access to the tools and support they need to address these barriers, affordable access to Creative Cloud will encourage educators to develop new projects and lesson plans that bring out the creative skills in their students. Students will have access to all Creative Cloud applications, many Creative Cloud services and 2GB of storage. Adobe has also introduced named user licensing, which allows students to log into their accounts and work on Creative Cloud projects from any location on any device, be it their homes, the library or on the go. These licenses can be deployed by K-12 schools in a way that is consistent with data privacy laws under COPPA—the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.
New K-12 Professional Development Offerings Make Adobe Spark a Great Project Tool in Every Class
Adobe is partnering with educators who use Adobe Spark in their classrooms, and will be sponsoring over 100 Edcamps taking place across the United States over the summer until back-to-school 2018. Edcamp leads educator-driven professional development grouped sessions, where educators drive and determine the topics of conversation. In addition, Adobe will be sending Spark experts to a select number of Edcamps over the summer. For more details on Adobe Spark sponsored Edcamps, please visit https://www. edcamp. org/edcamp-locations .
Educators can find new free professional development courses, lesson plans and a complete guide to using Creative Cloud in the classroom on the Education Exchange, Adobe’s free platform where educators can access courses taught by their peers and share teaching materials and curriculum.
Availability and Pricing
This offering is available for purchase starting on May 15, 2018 and will initially be available in the US, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, and India. In the US, school sites are eligible for the offer starting at $2,495 per year, which includes 500 user licenses for students and teachers ($4. 99 per user license), and school districts are eligible for the offer starting at $12,475 per year, which includes 2,500 user licenses. Also in the US, additional purchases can be made in increments of 50 user licenses starting at $250. Pricing and minimums vary by region.
For more information and to purchase Creative Cloud for their K-12 classrooms, K-12 schools and districts can contact their Authorized Adobe Resellers, and for general information, please visit www. adobe. com/education/k12. html.
2018-5-4 19:47