Apple has confirmed the date for its October ‘Unleashed’ special event, wherein it’s believed the Cupertino company will unveil new MacBook Pro computers with its latest M1X chipset. The event will be livestreamed at 10:00 am Pacific time (UTC -7) on October 18, 2021 via Apple.
com, Apple’s YouTube Channel and the Apple TV app on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV devices. The teaser material doesn't offer much affordance on what to expect, but it’s been widely reported we can expect to see Apple’s next-generation silicon inside new 14" and 16" MacBook Pro models. It’s also been reported that Apple will release an updated version of its Mac Mini with the new M1X chipset inside.
Unleashed! These next six days are going to speed by. #AppleEvent pic. twitter. com/0ops2bVPvl
— Greg Joswiak (@gregjoz) October 12, 2021
It’s also been reported that Apple will announce the official release date of macOS Monterey, its latest computer operating system first unveiled at WWDC. Some publications are also reporting we could see an updated version of Apple’s AirPod models, but that particular rumor appears less concrete than the others.
You can add the event to your calendar through a link provided on Apple’s event webpage.
. dpreview.com2021-10-13 19:58