i created my very own island without spending almost any money. You can see how easy it is to create a photorealistic miniature set. So, now make your own islands.
boredpanda.com2017-4-12 18:15
i created my very own island without spending almost any money. You can see how easy it is to create a photorealistic miniature set. So, now make your own islands.
In 2015, Hugo Cardoso embarked on an interesting experiment: built a 35mm slit-scan film camera. That experiment was a big success, which left Cardoso only one choice going forward… go bigger! So he hunkered down at his work bench and set about creating a medium format version. petapixel.com »
2016-12-09 20:48
Unless you have the dough to get a lab scanner, it is a painful process to scan your own film. Luckily one day all the photo labs dumped their Pakon F-135 to the market, and I remember you could get one for ~$250 a pop. It was the best thing happened to those who want […] petapixel.com »
2016-08-24 19:02