Could Canon be building an f/1.2 set of prime lenses for the RF mount? So far we have the stellar duo of the RF 50mm Read more...
canonrumors.com2019-8-1 13:37
Could Canon be building an f/1.2 set of prime lenses for the RF mount? So far we have the stellar duo of the RF 50mm Read more...
The Canon USA store has refurbished Canon RF 35mm f/1. 4L VCM lenses in stock for $1349 (Reg $1499). As always, refurbished gear from the Canon USA store comes with a full 1-year Canon USA warranty REFURBISHED CANON RF 35MM F/1. »
2024-12-18 13:55
OpticalLimits (formerly photozone. de) has published its review of the Canon RF 35mm f/1. 4L IS VCM. This is a lens that most have been waiting breathlessly for, and it does not disappoint. OpticalLimits (like myself) have a strong aversion to digital correction. »
2024-08-05 06:17
It looks like the second allocation of the Canon RF 35mm f/1.4L IS VCM has started hitting retailer stock rooms. B&H Photo has stock of the Canon RF 35mm f1.4L IS VCM. There were still many on the preorder list, so we'll assume those will be filled in short order. Key Features Canon RF 35mm [...] Source »
2024-07-03 15:10
Canon RF 35mm F1.4L VCM стал первым объективом бренда в его новой линейке гибридных фиксов для фото и видео RF HYBRID. »
2024-06-06 09:58
Canon has finally done it—the Canon RF 35mm F1. 4L VCM will join the list of legendary 35mm lenses from Canon. What is very curious to me is that Canon Japan hasn't said anything about the releases yet. »
2024-06-06 05:32
Canon announced the 35mm f/1.4L VCM prime lens which is designed to work equally well for both video production and photo capture. Canon says it is the first in a series of new primes that are meant to appeal to both types of content creators. [Read More] »
2024-06-05 21:59
Announcement Summary You will probably want to tune into Canon's Cinema EOS event on YouTube tomorrow, as there are a lot of Cinema EOS, EOS and RF products being announced. Maybe we'll even get a few more tidbits about a few other eagerly anticipated products. »
2024-06-04 18:46
The Canon RF 35mm f/1. 4L USM has been our unicorn of lenses, it's probably the most anticipated lens announcement in a long time from Canon. We reported last month that we'd finally get an official announcement this month or perhaps by mid-May, but you will have it mounted to your camera in the next couple [. »
2024-04-07 13:00
Согласно новой информации, в следующем месяце компания проведет презентацию и таки представит Canon RF 35mm F1.4L USM вместе с давно ожидаемыми EOS R1 и EOS R5 Mark II... © PhotoWebExpo, 2024, »
2024-03-14 01:18
По информации CanonRumors, объектив Canon RF 35mm f/1. 2L USM, о котором давно ходили слухи, уже тестируется и изучается маркетологами, а недавно появился у дилеров во внутренней дорожной карте оптики Canon. »
2022-04-20 17:45
When I was still starting this website, I used the Canon 5D Mk II and the 24-105mm f4 L IS USM. But for many years, my bread and butter setup was the Canon 35mm f1. 4 L and the Canon 5D Mk II. This was the case until Sigma made an arguably better lens. »
2021-08-12 13:00
По информации Canonrumors объектив 35mm L для байонета RF все-таки будет представлен. Полгода назад он появился в дорожной карте RF-оптики, но запуск его производства, а также некоторой другой оптики отложено из-за проблем, связанных с COVID-19, и это по-прежнему мешает производству. »
2021-05-19 23:40
A 35mm L lens for the RF mount has been rumoured for what seems to be an eternity. We have seen a patent for such Read more... The post The Canon RF 35mm f/1.2L USM will be announced this year [CR2] appeared first on Canon Rumors - Your best source for Canon rumors, leaks and gossip. »
2021-05-18 16:16
Компания Canon зарегистрировала сложный и интересный патент описывающий новый фикс светосильный объектив для камер EOS-R — Canon RF 35mm f/1. 4 Soft Focus. Canon RF 35mm f / 1. 4 Soft Focus: Фокусное расстояние: 35,91mm, 35,82mm, 36,00 mm F-НОМЕР: 1,52 1,52 1,53 Угол обзора: 31. »
2019-12-02 15:23
We get the feeling the Canon couldn’t get a true non L kit lens ready in time for the launch of the EOS RP. It appears Read more... »
2019-02-12 15:03
Canon is on a roll with its updated Mark II lenses and scoring bullseyes with pretty much every shot. New versions of key focal lengths are being rolled out across the range, with fully revised optics and mechanical construction. »
2016-12-01 17:19
Многие профессиональные фотографы не по наслышке знакомы с легендарной 35-й «элькой». Этот фикс объектив отлично зарекомендовал себя во множестве жанров: от портрета до репортажа. »
2016-10-26 11:02
В модельном ряду Canon есть несколько 35-мм объективов. Однако самым доступным из них является Canon EF 35mm f/2 IS USM. »
2016-10-18 13:35