Возрождается любимая плёнка Феллини, Росселлини, Де Сика и Пазолини.
cameralabs.org2017-2-7 20:56
Возрождается любимая плёнка Феллини, Росселлини, Де Сика и Пазолини.
Поначалу пленка будет выпущена в ограниченной версии Ferrania P30 ALPHA. Это воссоздание пленки, благодаря которой компания Ferrania была известна всему миру еще полвека назад. В новой версии разработчики компании использовали достижения новейших технологий. mx-camera.ru »
2017-03-27 16:29
FILM Ferrania возвращается с новой 35-миллиметровой черно-белой пленкой Ferrania P30. prophotos.ru »
2017-02-06 19:16
FILM Ferrania has announced the ‘rebirth’ of its P30 black and white film, which will be made available soon as a limited 'ALPHA' edition. This 80 ISO panchromatic offering is described by FILM Ferrania as ‘motion picture film for still photography,’ reintroducing the P30 stock first launch by the company in the 1960's. dpreview.com »
2017-02-02 21:33
It looks like another film is being announced today too! Film Ferrania just announced FERRANIA P30 ALPHA, an 80 ISO Black and White Film. thephoblographer.com »
2017-02-01 23:12
The film renaissance is growing. Just weeks after Kodak announced the return of Ektachrome film, the Italian film brand FILM Ferrania is back from the dead as well. Today it introduces its first new film stock. petapixel.com »
2017-02-01 20:10
More often than not nowadays we hear of film manufacturers discontinuing emulsions rather than creating new ones. So it’s a great pleasure to hear that after many years of delays, the Italian film startup FILM Ferrania has finally begun preparing for the mass manufacturing of analog film. digitalrev.com »
2016-10-13 03:00