iPhone X pre-orders only just started, but our friend Chase Jarvis of CreativeLive somehow got his hands on one of the very first smartphones out in the wild. Naturally, he took this amazing opportunity to run around New York City like a maniac and create the first hands-on field test of the iPhone X! We spoke to Chase in New York before any of this went public, and he was kind enough to share some sample photos and his just-published video with us first.
Keep in mind that this video and the photos below (more on the CreativeLive blog) are not for pixel peeping or deep technical dives. We'll be getting our own review unit and you can be sure we'll test that stuff with the same technical fervor you've come to expect from DPReview. Instead, what Chase wanted to do was share his first impressions and a few snapshots after using the device for just a couple of hours.
The good news? Those impressions were extremely positive. No device is perfect, but Chase writes time and again that the iPhone X "felt like the future. "
The point is simple. Just like the first iPhone helped us see the future we couldn’t quite put into words, so does the X. It’s more than just an incremental upgrade from the previous versions. With the iPhone X you can feel the future again in the smartphone.
Check out a few sample photos from Chase below, and then head over to the CreativeLive blog for more of his thoughts on the phone and a few more photos.
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2017-11-1 17:30