The saying goes, ‘better late than never,’ but Fujifilm might be pushing the boundaries of the phrase with its new promotional video. It’s been eight years since Fujifilm released its XF 35mm F1.
4 R lens, but a new promo video showcasing the features of the lens has popped up on the Fujifilm X Series YouTube channel. Understandably, this new promo video has left some Fujifilm users confused and even disappointed, as an upgraded version of this lens is high on the request list of many Fujifilm users.
Unfortunately, this new four-minute video, which showcases numerous Fujifilm X-Photographers talking about the lens, isn’t a teaser for a new, upgraded ‘Mark II’ version or anything of the sort. It’s simply a self-described ‘ode’ to ‘one of the original X mount lenses [that] has captured countless numbers of precious moments over the years. ’
The timing is curious, as is ‘The Original’ nomenclature, but the video links directly to a landing page for the XF 35mm F1. 4 R, suggesting Fujifilm is still working hard to promote one of the first XF lenses.
. dpreview.com2020-8-6 17:50