Readers' Choice: Best prime lens of 2023 Prime lenses aren't what they used to be. Today's lenses are bigger and more costly than their SLR-era ancestors, and advanced aspheric optics and exotic lens elements allow for designs that would have been impossible in the past.
This year's lenses included updates of camera bag staple fifty one-fours, along with a healthy collection of wide-angle, telephoto, and even a couple of tilt-shift lenses.
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Our editorial team has had its say already, in our 2023 DPReview Awards, but which of this year's new prime lenses was your favorite? This is your chance to let us and the industry know. If you think we missed something, please leave a comment to let us know.
Polls are now open, see below.
Voting takes place in three categories (cameras, prime and zoom lenses), running through December 31.
Once the vote has closed, we'll run a fourth and final poll drawn from the winners of the first three to determine the Readers' Choice Product of the Year. Look out for that poll early in 2024.
Voting is easy - pick your top 3 products by dragging and dropping to rank them in order of priority.
Have your say$(document). ready(function() { Poll({"pollId":"6303144692","openForVoting":true,"mainElementId":"poll1","slot":null,"isSingleChoicePoll":false,"minNumberOfChoices":1,"maxNumberOfChoices":3}); })Have your say: Best prime lens of 2023Your answers1. Required2. Optional3. OptionalYou need to login to voteCanon RF 28mm F2. 8 STMFujifilm GF 110mm F5. 6 T/S MacroFujifilm GF 30mm F5. 6 T/SFujifilm GF 55mm F1. 7R WRFujifilm XF 8mm F3. 5 R WRHasselblad XCD 28mm F4 PNikon Nikkor Z 135mm F1. 8 S PlenaNikon Nikkor Z 26mm F2. 8Nikon Nikkor Z 600mm F6. 3 VR SNikon Nikkor Z 85mm F1. 2 SNikon Nikkor Z DX 24mm F1. 7Leica Summicron-M 28mm F2 ASPHLeica Summicron-SL 35mm F2 ASPHLeica Summilux-M 50mm F1. 4 ASPH (2023)Leica Super-APO-Summicron-SL 21mm F2 ASPHOM System M. Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3. 5 Macro IS ProHD Pentax-FA 50mm F1. 4smc Pentax-FA 50mm F1. 4 ClassicSigma 14mm F1. 4 DG DNSigma 17mm F4 DG DN | CSigma 23mm F1. 4 DC DN | CSigma 50mm F1. 4 DG DN ArtSigma 50mm F2 DG DN | CSony FE 300mm F2. 8 GM OSSSony FE 50mm F1. 4 GMViltrox 75mm F1. 2 E/ZViltrox AF 16mm F1. 8 FEViltrox AF 20mm F2. 8 FEViltrox AF 27mm F1. 2 Pro XF
Please note that for the best experience, we recommend voting on our desktop site.
Poll Rules:
This poll is meant to be a bit of fun. It's not sponsored, promoted, or paid for in any way, and DPReview doesn't care how you vote. Our readers' polls are run on the basis of trust. As such, we ask that you only vote once, from a single account.
. dpreview.com2023-12-12 17:00