Released Bear Cub Charges Straight Toward Photographer
A bear cub was released into the wild and charged straight toward a staff photographer shooting the event.
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A bear cub was released into the wild and charged straight toward a staff photographer shooting the event.
[Read More] »A bear cub adjusted a trail camera with surprisingly good results in Northern Minnesota.
[Read More] »A bear cub adjusted a trail camera with surprisingly good results in Northern Minnesota.
[Read More] »A three-month-old lion cub falling out of a tree in the Serengeti has won the 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards.
[Read More] »A bratty bear cub has been dubbed a "twerp" after it took out its frustration on a trail camera, wrecking the photo equipment seemingly because it was reprimanded by its mother. [Read More] »
This photograph by wildlife photographer Mohan Thomas contains two leopards. The mother leopard is easy to see, but can you find her cub looking into the camera? Thomas, who’s based in Bangalore, India, captured the photograph in the Kabini Forest Reserve, which is known for animals that include leopards, monkeys, deer, crocodiles, and more. He […] »
Stepan is a 28-year-old brown bear that is quite well-known in Russia for a good amount of reasons. »
I've often been a big fan of the things that Cub and Co does, but with the new Cub and Co XQR system I'm scratching my head. This is a product that I'm not exactly sure I understand though I will fully admit that there are things about it that make it innovative and much different from everything else out there. »
Any self-respecting photographer would never be caught dead without a camera strap to secure and lug around their weapon of choice with. But it’s not just any run-of-the-mill strap, mind you – it must be versatile and tough enough to keep up with their on-the-go lifestyle. »
The folks over at Cub and Co have been pretty busy creating cool stuff for city dwelling photographers--and their latest offering is the Cub and Co All City Cycling strap. The makers of the Shooter Strap and the Shooter bag are targeting their newest offering at the photographer who likes to take bike rides and carry minimal gear--and there's a ton of those at least here in NYC. »