How a Unique Pink Slug on an Extinct Volcano Shows Photography’s Impact
In Mount Kaputar National Park in New South Wales, Australia, an extinct volcano is home to unique wildlife, including an incredible pink slug. [Read More] »
Extinct - Последние новости | |
In Mount Kaputar National Park in New South Wales, Australia, an extinct volcano is home to unique wildlife, including an incredible pink slug. [Read More] »
Kodak Aerochrome is a legendary film unlike any other. It is a false-color, near-infrared emulsion that is as beautiful as it is challenging to develop. It's also tough to find because Kodak killed it over a decade ago. [Read More] »
Scientists have rediscovered a long-lost species of mammal -- that was thought to be extinct -- on trail camera footage.
[Read More] »Trail cameras continue to serve as excellent tools in the field of conservation as an Australian wildlife group discovered recently when they captured images of strange-looking mice thought to be locally extinct. [Read More] »
It is estimated that over 99% of all species that have lived on Earth have gone extinct, and a number of notable ones have disappeared just over the past century. Thanks to the existence of cameras, however, we have a more accurate visual record of what some recently extinct animals looked like. The short 1.5-minute […] »