Результатов: 10

Гиперширокоугольный объектив C-4 Precision Optics 4.9mm f/3.5 Fisheye наизнанку

Основатель компании LensRentals, Roger Cicala известен тем, что любит разбирать фотооборудование и делиься своими выводами о технике в своем блоге. Теперь он занялся противоположным: рассказал о том, как создал прототип объектива C-4 Precision Optics 4. photowebexpo.ru »

2019-2-24 09:44

Voigtlander 65mm macro FE lens hands-on by Dpreview: “screams precision and quality”

Dan Bracaglia from Dpreview played a bit with the new Voigtlander 65mm macro FE lens which is now in Stock at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama. In Europe at Photo-Porst-Neuwied He writes: “Everything about how the 65mm handles screams precision and quality, from the all metal housing to the drool-worthy matte black finish. sonyalpharumors.com »

2017-8-11 16:23

Microsoft’s Beautiful Surface Studio Launch Video Was Shot By A Giant Robot

Last week’s announcement of Microsoft’s Surface Studio computer blew us all away away and sadly made Apple’s newest MacBook Pro offering feel practically quaint by comparison. What’s more, we thought that the exquisite launch video for the Surface Studio, (complete with a haunting cover version of “Pure Imagination” as its soundtrack) just couldn’t get only cooler. digitalrev.com »

2016-11-3 03:00