The very popular Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and Canon EOS 6D Mark II bundles are back in stock at B&H Photo. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Body Bundle $2849Read more...
canonrumors.com2017-12-18 20:00
The very popular Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and Canon EOS 6D Mark II bundles are back in stock at B&H Photo. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Body Bundle $2849Read more...
We reported back in mid January that new firmware was going to be announced ahead of CP+, which is currently running for the both the EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II That has not come to pass and we continue to wait for bug fixes and feature enhancements for both cameras, including the authentication [. »
2025-03-01 14:04
Over the last bunch of months, there has been a lot of talk about a successor to the EOS R6 Mark II coming this year. We have seen some early core specifications as well as certification for a third, yet unannounced EOS R camera body. »
2024-09-03 12:29
We have reported a couple of times that a Canon EOS R6 Mark III could be coming in late 2024. Obviously Canon has a couple of other cameras to manufacture and get in the hands of the hoards of people that want them before an EOS R6 Mark III hits the market. The EOS R6 [...] Source »
2024-08-01 12:09
The accidental leaks were inevitable and we came about a couple of images of the both the EOS R1 and the EOS R5 Mark II with the active cooling grip. I am only posting the EOS R1 rear, as we haven't seen that yet, and the EOS R5 Mark II with the active cooling grip. [...] Source »
2024-07-17 00:33
We continue to hear rumblings about the Canon EOS R6 Mark III being announced later in 2024. If it comes in November or December, that's two years since the EOS R6 Mark II, which was announced just over two years after the EOS R6. »
2024-07-02 15:29
Canon has reportedly discontinued the BG-R10 battery grip that is compatible with the EOS R5, EOS R6 and EOS R6 Mark II. This is one of those little signs that new cameras on the horizon. We expect that the EOS R5 Mark II will be equipped with the same smart controller that we have seen [. »
2024-02-28 12:18
Кажется, что линейка Cinema EOS в последнее время пребывала в тени инфополя. Хотя в разработке были новые продукты. Ожидалось, что Canon анонсирует Cinema EOS C300 Mark III и Cinema EOS C500 Mark II лишь осенью текущего года перед выставкой IBC в Амстердаме. »
2024-02-20 20:49
It looks like 2024 will be the year of the EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II, but there will be other new cameras this year. One of those cameras may be the EOS R7 Mark II. A solid source has let us know that there have been hints about the follow-up to 2022's Canon [. »
2024-02-15 13:20
We wanted to clarify some points from yesterdays report about the launch of the EOS R5 Mark II and EOS R1, which is happening this year. We have been told that the plan is to “announce” the EOS R5 Mark II and EOS R1 at the end of April or early May and have the [. »
2024-02-14 11:21
MELVILLE, N. Y, November 2, 2023 – Canon, a leader in digital imaging solutions, announced today a variety of firmware updates for key models in its Cinema EOS line of cameras, including the EOS C500 Mark II, EOS C300 Mark III, EOS C70, EOS R5 C, the XF605 camcorder, as well as select PTZ cameras, expanding the [. »
2023-11-02 13:13
Компания Canon объявила о новой разработке в области визуализации виртуальной реальности (VR), представив совместимость с объективом RF 5.2mm F2.8 L Dual Fisheye для беззеркальной EOS R6 Mark II, а также о других достижениях, доступных в обновлении прошивки камеры версии 1.2.0. »
2023-10-06 12:22
В последние месяцы появилась некоторая информация о Canon EOS R5 Mark II. Еще в июле мы узнали, что прототип EOS R5 Mark II находился в руках очень ограниченного числа первых тестеров. Позже, в том же месяце, сообщалось, что разрешение сенсора камеры EOS R5 Mark II составит 62 МП, и Canon, скорее всего, предложит несколько вариантов разрешений с использованием объединения пикселей, так же, как Leica сделала это с M11 и Q3. »
2023-09-06 18:38
Компания Canon официально объявили о выходе прошивок для кинокамер: Canon EOS R5 C, EOS C70, EOS C300 Mark III и EOS C500 Mark II. Обновление камер Сanon EOS R5 C, EOS C70, EOS C300 Mark III и EOS C500 Mark II добавит функцию Clear Scan с высоким разрешением, а также обеспечит улучшенную поддержку синхронизации при […] »
2023-05-26 12:20
In response to customer feedback , Canon have announced an upcoming firmware update which will add a 24p mode for video recording for some recently launched EOS and PowerShot cameras. »
2019-10-09 13:30
The follow-up for the Canon EOS 7D Mark II has been talked about for the last year or two, with varying degrees of information being Read more... »
2019-04-18 15:54
Наш сравнительный тест не выявил лучшую камеру из трёх. За первое место, как и ожидалось, борются Canon EOS R и Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Грань между их преимуществами и недостатками проходит там, где начинается профессиональная репортажная фотография. »
2018-12-27 15:55
It’s rumoured that the upcoming full frame mirrorless camera from Canon will have a 30. 4mp sensor, which is the same resolution as the EOS 5D Mark IV. It’s also been said that the camera will be an “EOS 5D Mark IV without a mirror”. »
2018-07-13 23:02
The final clearance of the EOS 5D Mark III and EOS 6D continues at B&H Photo. The largest discounts for both of these still capable cameras, are now live. Canon EOS 5D Mark III $1999 ($2799) Canon EOS 5D Mark III Video Kit $2653 (Reg $3453) Canon EOS 6D $999 +4% Rewards ($1699) Canon EOS Read more... »
2018-02-18 18:39
Adorama has these great deals on the EOS 6D Mark II and EOS 5D Mark IV for this weekend only or while quantities last. All deals include a Canon Battery Grip (BG-E21 or BG-E20), PIXMA Pro-100 printer, and Canon paper. »
2017-12-15 22:01
From Canon USA: We would like to inform you that release of firmware to enhance functions of the EOS 5D Mark IV, which was originally scheduled for November 29 at the same timing as the firmware updates for six other models (EOS-1D X Mark II: Ver. »
2017-12-01 22:38
We’ve had two people write in telling us that the EOS 7D Mark III is currently scheduled to be announced in March of 2018. Specifications are scarce, but both sources did claim it will definitely shoot 4K and will come with C-Log. »
2017-11-25 00:17
Canon EOS 6D Mark II сочетает в себе универсальность с высоким качеством изображения и сравнительно доступной ценой. В обновлённой линейке Canon он — самый младший полнокадровый зеркальный фотоаппарат. »
2017-07-27 14:40
We’re told that Canon plans to announced the successor to the EOS 7D Mark II some time in the first half of 2018. The CP+ trade show in February is a logical possibility, although not guaranteed as I’d expect the EOS 90D to come for that show. The EOS 7D Mark II was announced ahead Read more... »
2017-07-07 17:45
The first images of the Canon EOS 6D Mark II have leaked out ahead of next weeks announcement. EOS 6D Mark II Specifications (Google Translated) Number of pixels: 26. 2 million pixels Dual pixel CMOS AF AF point: 45 points cross type Continuous shooting: 6. »
2017-06-22 03:57
We’re told that the Canon EOS 6D Mark II will be announced in July of this year, though the exact date is unknown at the time of writing this. The EOS 6D Mark II will also start shipping relatively soon after the announcement, so it’s safe to say you should have your hands on the Read more... »
2017-05-09 00:21
Nokishita uncovered some more Canon gear that has been submitted to certification agencies and it looks like the two expected DSLRs, the EOS Rebel SL2 and EOS 6D Mark II are almost ready to go. Canon appears to have also registered the EF-S 35mm f/2. »
2017-03-26 17:02
New instant rebates on the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EOS 7D Mark II and EOS 77D kits have gone live through authorized sellers. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV w/24-70mm f/4L IS $4249 (Reg $4399) Canon EOS 5D Mark IV w/24-105mm f/4L IS II $4399 (Reg $4599) Canon EOS 7D Mark II w/18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Read more... »
2017-03-26 07:01
From Sigma Thank you for purchasing and using our products. Please find the following notes on the usage of SIGMA interchangeable lenses for EOS, when attached to Canon EOS 5D Mark IV that is released on September 8th. »
2016-09-23 17:02
The indepth reviews of the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV seem to be coming out fairly quickly. It’s a bit surprising to see DPReview has completed theirs already, but that may just come down to the popularity of the EOS 5D line of DSLRs. »
2016-09-14 22:58
Новинка оснащена 30-мегапиксельной матрицей со встроенными датчиками фазового автофокуса и существенно расширяют возможности фото-и видеосъемки, по сравнению с предыдущими моделями. Матрица выполнена по технологии К-МОП, имеет разрешение 30 Мп и гибридную систему автофокуса Dual Pixel AF, что обеспечивает быстрый фазовый автофокус в режиме съемки видео, а также непрерывный автофокус при фотосъемке в режиме «живого вида» […] »
2016-09-12 19:07
Canon has updated Digital Photo Professional and EOS Utility to include EOS 5D Mark IV support. Changes for Digital Photo Professional 4. 5. 0 Supports EOS 5D Mark IV. Supports EF-M 28mm f/3. 5 Macro IS STM. »
2016-09-09 20:52
A specifications list has appeared at Digicame-Info and it pretty much matches what we have posted recently. It also looks like the image we posted was real as well. I’ve updated this specifications list to include things reported earlier. »
2016-08-17 07:36
В сеть "утекли" пресс-изображения и полный список технических характеристик ожидаемой на следующей неделе Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Камера получит сенсор 30,4 МП с технологией фазовой автофокусировки Dual Pixel CMOS AF, 150000 пикселей RGB + ИК-датчик фотометрии, сенсорный экран с противобликовым покрытием, систему фокусировки по 61 точке, диапазон светочувствительности составляет ISO: 100-102400 (расширенный), скорость серийной съемки до 7 кадров / сек. »
2016-08-17 06:12
Reikan has released version 2. 2 of their Focal software. This new update adds full support for the EOS-1D X Mark II and EOS 80D. FoCal 2. 2 Key Features Full Canon EOS 80D and EOS-1D X Mark II support added – calibrate these cameras automatically from FoCal. »
2016-08-15 14:48
Вы видите первое изображение Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Можно поставить под сомнение его достоверность, мы ожидаем дальнейших подтверждений.Также в сети публикуются уточненные спецификации камеры: новый 30MП сенсор, двойной слот для Compact Flash / SD карт (не CFast, как сообщалось ранее), возможности съемки видео 4K с кадровой частотой до 30fps, Full HD - с 60fps. »
2016-08-10 11:00
Latest updates to this post are in bold. A different source has added new specifications. We’re pretty confident in their validity. Below is the latest we’ve been told about the upcoming Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. »
2016-08-10 00:18
По последним сведениям, ожидаемая зеркалка Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, которая заменит на рынке EOS 5D Mark III, начнет продаваться по более низкой цене, чем предшественница - называется цена в $3. 299 против $3. »
2016-08-09 06:51
While [CR3] level specifications for the EOS 5D Mark IV have been hard to come by, something we’ll be able to fix some time this week. We do have some information on pricing and kits that’ll be available. »
2016-08-08 18:15
На сайте магазина DigitalRev созданы страницы для Canon EOS 5D Mark IV и ожидаемого объектива Canon EF 24-105mm f/4. 0L IS USM Mark II, хотя и без каких-либо спецификаций или изображений. Очевидно, это ошибка администратора сайта, но она подтверждает, что анонс состоится в ближайшее время. »
2016-07-29 12:21