photo app → Результатов: 53 / photo app - фото


The Photo Studio AR app lets you 'simulate' a photo shoot with 3D models

Have you ever been at a beautiful location and wondered what a photo might look like if you had a model and some lighting equipment on hand? Well, you no longer need to wonder. Los Angeles-baased visual effects studio Surpuba AR has released Photo Studio AR, an app for Android and iOS devices that uses augmented reality (AR) to project a model into any real-world scene you can imagine. »

2018-04-19 21:46


Five useful photo apps for travelers

Photo apps for travelers Photographers take great care in choosing the right gear for a trip. Why not make sure your smartphone is well equipped for photography too? After all, it's probably the camera you'll have with you in the event that your DSLR battery comes up short, or your shoulders need a break from the weight of your photo bag. »

2017-08-11 16:00