To escape the mundane realities of life, conceptual photographer Kylli Sparre has created alternative worlds filled with movement, surrealism, and serenity. [Read More]
petapixel.com2022-6-24 22:30
To escape the mundane realities of life, conceptual photographer Kylli Sparre has created alternative worlds filled with movement, surrealism, and serenity. [Read More]
Photographer Seb Agnew has created a photo series about people deeply lost in their world and unaware of their surroundings. To tell these surreal narratives, Agnew used intricate set designs, lighting, and carefully crafted compositions. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2022-02-15 20:59
"I like to plan pictures in advance and to deal intensively with picture ideas during the research phase. " explains conceptual photographer Katinka Schuett. "Conceptual photography leaves a lot more control than other photography subjects and allowing me to work with the subject very consciously. thephoblographer.com »
2019-11-04 17:00
I wanted to interpret “Writing”. But it wasn't that easy. Writing is something that mankind could only discover after long thinking and learning about how to drive and create certain mechanisms. boredpanda.com »
2019-04-10 15:56