Review: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III

Roger at has completed his bench test of the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III wide angle zoom lens. It looks like the lens performance is the new pinnacle for wide angle zoom lenses and you should probably go ahead and buy one! From Roger: This summary is quick and simple. From a resolution standpoint, the Read more...

review canon 16-35mm iii

2016-10-22 00:28

review canon → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 9 / review canon - ôîòî

Review: Canon EOS M50 by TDP

Bryan over at The-Digital-Picture has completed his extensive review of the brand new Canon EOS M50 mirrorless camera. From The-Digital-Picture: While a complete beginner can use this camera to simply capture very high quality images, the advanced user who takes the time to learn this camera’s more advanced features can have great control over their Read more... »

2018-04-10 19:02