Review: Canon EOS Rebel SL2 / 200D / Kiss X9 by TDP

The-Digital-Picture has completed their review of the brand new Canon EOS Rebel SL2/200D/Kiss X9, Canon’s smallest DSLR. The original SL1 was slow to gain acceptance, but once it did, it became a favourite among professional, prosumer and consumer DSLR buyers.

From TDP: I know, you’ve been wanting to ask the question since hearing the model Read more. . . .

review canon eos rebel sl2 200d kiss tdp

2017-8-15 19:27

review canon → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 36 / review canon - ôîòî

Review: Canon EOS M50 by TDP

Bryan over at The-Digital-Picture has completed his extensive review of the brand new Canon EOS M50 mirrorless camera. From The-Digital-Picture: While a complete beginner can use this camera to simply capture very high quality images, the advanced user who takes the time to learn this camera’s more advanced features can have great control over their Read more... »

2018-04-10 19:02