I've spoken before about photographing and doing street photography with intent. And I think that when street photographers take photos of homeless people that they're not doing these people any good.
Photographing scenes where these homeless people are the primary focus and surrounded by others more financially fortunate is also not such a great thing to do. While many years ago, this could have told stories when put into the pages of credible publications, today's world doesn't lend itself well to this type of photographic intent. Indeed, the world has changed and actions speak louder than words. What often ends up happening is that these photographers self publish by adding images to Instagram or other platforms. These images are then passed by in a feed, double tapped, and moved onto another photo or served an ad. The result is that a person viewing the photos doesn't want to go help a homeless person in the way that politicians and people used to do. . thephoblographer.com
2019-6-4 13:00