People Are Loving These X-Rays From This Zoo’s Annual Animal Health Check

People Are Loving These X-Rays From This Zoo’s Annual Animal Health Check

Once in a while, zoos perform health checks on their beloved animals and you'd think that there couldn't be anything really 'artsy' about it. Well, that's what all of us thought until Oregon Zoo posted these incredible shots from their animal x-rays, and the results look way cooler than you'd think.

people are loving these x-rays from zoo

2018-10-25 17:26

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People are Recreating Classic Paintings as Hilarious Photos in Quarantine

There are many ways to deal with the isolation and anxiety of social distancing and quarantine, but coming up with hilarious photo recreations of the old masterpieces might be our favorite so far. This idea can be traced back at least as far as March 22nd, when the @covidclassics Instagram account was created. On it, […] »

2020-04-01 20:58