The Best Instant Film Cameras with Manual Controls

Few things are as fun as instant film cameras! For the most part, they're very carefree and let you simply just capture the funnest moments you can. Sometimes though, you want a bit more control. And lucky for you, we've reviewed pretty much every instant film camera on the market.

In this roundup, we're ethically rounding up the best instant film cameras that give you manual controls in some way. Take a look at out favorites below. .

film instant cameras

2022-8-5 19:00

film instant → Результатов: 43 / film instant - фото

Gifts Ideas for the Polaroid Photo Fanatic

Instant film has had a sort of reemergence with the ever growing popularity of Fujifilm's Instax cameras, and Impossible Project's various cameras and instant films. There are a lot of new converts to the instant film phenomenon but as well there are plenty of old timers who came up with polaroids and that classic instant film. »

2016-12-05 14:02