The History of the Camera… According to North Korea

If you’ve always wanted to learn about the history of the photographic camera as taught by the North Korean government, today’s your lucky day! Here’s a 15-minute educational video on camera history that was broadcast for children in the “hermit kingdom” (you can turn on English auto-translation in the video’s settings). The segment was spotted […]

camera history

2021-3-2 21:43

camera history → Результатов: 4 / camera history - фото

‘A History Of The Photo Camera’: An Incredibly Short Yet Rewarding Cartoon

If you have approximately one and a half minutes to spare, you could do far worse with your time than watch this delightful speedrun cartoon tour through the history of photographic cameras. Created by Barcelona-based animator/editor Portero Delantero, this extremely short film provides a fluid rundown of every major milestone camera from the Kodak Brownie in 1900, to the iPhone 6 in 2014. »

2016-11-23 03:00