This Awesome Feature on Olympus Cameras Needs More Praise

If you're a fan of landscape photography, then you're probably aware of the feature on Olympus cameras called Live ND. Since it was introduced years ago, no other camera manufacturer implemented it into their cameras.

Granted, there has also been a worldwide pandemic that's restricted productivity and innovations. But still, Olympus cameras and therefore OM System cameras, are very capable. For a while, they were the only ones that had vehicle AI autofocus tracking. But in truth, Live ND is one of the coolest things they've made. .

cameras olympus

2022-3-7 08:00

cameras olympus → Результатов: 15 / cameras olympus - фото

Olympus Tough TG-6 sample gallery

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_3691961761","galleryId":"3691961761","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); We've long held Olympus's Tough cameras in high regard - they tend to be the most capable of the cameras in their class and also offer the best features, like Raw support. »

2019-05-22 09:00