This Is What Happens to a GoPro Under Liquid Nitrogen

This Is What Happens to a GoPro Under Liquid Nitrogen

Previously we've done a few stress tests with a variety of action cameras, and put them under fire, ice, and water to see if they would still shoot and uh, vibrate. A YouTuber called Grant Thompson decided to one-up our experiment by putting a new GoPro Hero 5 Session and GoPro Hero 5 into a vat of liquid nitrogen.

Connected the GoPro to his phone via Bluetooth.

He first started by dipping his older Session for five seconds, during which the camera was quickly covered with a layer of frost.

The Session post dip.

It was still good to go, so he submerged it for over 30 seconds. . . but the results weren't conclusive since he also forgot to charge the batteries. Nice.

Afterwards he was finally ready to use the Hero 5 Session, and it lasted around 60 seconds in the liquid nitrogen before shutting down. Bluetooth connectivity dropped a bit before then.

Time for the Hero 5.

The rest of the video focused on the Hero 5, so you can check out the whole 12 minutes and see how it fared!


hero session gopro seconds caption

2016-12-15 03:00

hero session → Результатов: 4 / hero session - фото


GoPro представила экшн-камеры Hero 5 Black и Hero 5 Session

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GoPro представила экшн-камеры Hero 5 Black и Hero 5 Session

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2016-09-19 20:39


Экшен-камеры GoPro Hero 4 Silver и GoPro Hero 4 Session – профессионалы экстремальной съёмки

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2015-10-16 00:00