

Wacom обновила графические планшеты Intuos

Легкий и недорогой вариант для обработки фотографий и рисования. Компания Wacom анонсировала обновленные графические планшеты Intuos, предназначенные для рисования и редактирования фотографий. Новые планшеты доступны в двух размерах: Medium – с рабочей областью в 10 дюймов и Small – 7 дюймов.



78 плакатов СССР из коллекции Дюкского университета (1919-1989 годы)

Эта коллекция советских плакатов охватывает почти всю историю СССР. Её можно разделить на три основные серии. Каждая представляет отдельные эпохи в истории пропаганды коммунистической идеологии.


Shooting Landscape Photos in a Sub-Zero Blizzard

Want to see what it’s like to do landscape photography in sub-zero blizzard conditions? Photographer Thomas Heaton made this 10-minute video showing such an experience recently. Initially planning to visit a national park during the winter storm, Heaton found that all the roads out of his town were completely clogged to a halt. So instead, […]


Canon got it right on International Women's Day

Photo by Mario Calvo on Unsplash "For International Women's Day, Canon. . . " as I read the subject line of the email, I cringe at the possible endings to that sentence. Not outside the realm of possibilities is something like, "Releases Commemorative Pink Camera Strap!" In 2018 I think we're better than that.



Смелые автопортреты в оттенках ретро. Фотограф из Белоруссии Юлия Городински

Юлия Городински сама снимала эти портреты, сама придумывала для них идеи, сама позировала и сама обрабатывала кадры, чтобы придать фотографиям стиль ретро. Результат многим понравился.


Android P brings HEIF and multi-camera support to Pixel devices

Google has released the first developer preview of its upcoming Android P mobile operating system, and the long list of improvements includes support for a display cutout (iPhone X-style "notch"), more precise indoor navigation, and improved messaging notifications among others.


Agfa Vista Film is Dead: Report

Film photography has been seeing a renewed interest from photographers and manufacturers as of late, but that doesn’t mean that all well-known film stocks will survive through the resurgence. And today there’s news that another fan favorite is biting the dust: Agfa Vista is reportedly the latest film to be discontinued. “[W]hat everyone’s heard and […]


This Camera Store Receipt Will Make You Mad

Like many other types of businesses, camera equipment stores can make a lot of money by upselling, or convincing a customer to also purchase additional products and services. But how far can this upselling go before it becomes unethical? A new camera store receipt published online has many photographers furious and some crying “scam.” Flickr […]