2016-11-8 16:19
Открылся прием заявок для участия в международном конкурсе Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY). Он старейший в этом жанре, нынешний – уже 22-й по счёту, и открыт для любителей и профессионалов всех возрастов и изо всех стран мира. photowebexpo.ru »
2024-05-19 10:31
What do you do when you're stuck in lockdown, but you also have insatiably itchy feet and the essence of travel running through your veins? You improvise, of course! boredpanda.com »
2020-04-22 18:20
Travel photographer Michael Runkel has visited every country on Earth and shows no signs of slowing down. The German native chats with photographer Trey Bohn about going to outer space, the coronavirus outbreak, what makes a good travel photo, and why long-term travel with kids doesn’t suck. Where are you now? Sitting on a beautiful […] petapixel.com »
2020-03-06 01:41
If you love both photography and travel, a dream job opening may have just opened up for you. A very wealthy family in the UK is reportedly looking for a photographer to travel the world with them, and the gig pays over $100,000 a year… not including travel, food, and expenses. The photographer booking service […] petapixel.com »
2018-12-07 20:02
Entries are now open for the 2017 international Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY) awards.
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photographyblog.com »2017-05-05 19:00
The winning images in the 2016 international Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY) awards have just been revealed.
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photographyblog.com »2016-12-14 18:00
“Take only photos, leave nothing but footprints. ” We’ve probably all heard the saying, but what does it mean? Basically ‘take only photos, leave nothing but footprints’ means to make as little impact on an environment as possible. petapixel.com »
2016-10-26 22:57