The Blue Ghost Moon lander has captured the first-ever high-definition photos of a lunar sunset.
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petapixel.com2025-3-20 17:42
The Blue Ghost Moon lander has captured the first-ever high-definition photos of a lunar sunset.
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The Blue Ghost spacecraft which successfully stuck a lunar landing on Sunday has captured an epic sunrise photo from the Moon's perspective. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2025-03-04 16:40
Лунный аппарат Blue Ghost компании Firefly Aerospace успешно приземлился на поверхность Луны, став вторым частным, которому удалось совершить этот подвиг. Приземление произошло 2 марта в вулканическом бассейне. ferra.ru »
2025-03-03 00:45
The Blue Ghost spacecraft captured a stunning close-up video of the moon with the Earth rising and setting behind.
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petapixel.com »2025-02-26 17:38
The Blue Ghost spacecraft that is soon to land on the Moon continues to capture jaw-dropping imagery from its position orbiting Earth, this time in the form of a spell-binding video. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2025-02-06 20:05