Fujifilm releases minor firmware updates for its X100V, X-A7 camera systems

Fujifilm releases minor firmware updates for its X100V, X-A7 camera systems
ÔÎÒÎ: dpreview.com

Fujifilm has released a pair of (mostly) minor firmware updates for its X100V and X-A7 camera systems. We say ‘mostly’ minor because the X100V firmware update does bring a welcomed feature for users who’ve been experiencing overheating issues.

In addition to general bug fixes, firmware version 1. 10 (previously 1. 00) adds a new 'Auto Power Off Temp setting in the Power Management sub-menu that will automatically turn off the camera if it overheats, something that can when shooting ‘in a continuous manner. ’

In the changelog, Fujifilm writes:

‘We would recommend use of the new option when the X100V is used in a continuous manner (such as with continuous video shooting) and so on and a user may feel the grip become noticeably hot. ’

Firmware version 1. 20 (previously 1. 10) for the X-A7 is even more minor, with the only changes being new compatibility with Fujifilm’s Instax Mini link printer and various ‘minor bug’ fixes.

You can download firmware version 1. 10 for the X100V and firmware version 1. 20 for the X-A7 on Fujifilm’s respective product support pages.


firmware fujifilm x100v minor x-a7

2020-5-11 18:16

firmware fujifilm → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 32 / firmware fujifilm - ôîòî

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