Fuji’s New GFX 50R is a Medium Format Game-Changer

Fuji’s New GFX 50R is a Medium Format Game-Changer
ФОТО: digitalrev.com

Fuji pulled the covers off its new addition to the GFX line of medium format cameras during a presentation at the Photokina Show in Germany and the latest model is sure to grab plenty of headlines for all the right reasons.

The rangefinder style of the new GFX 50R.

The GFX 50R is a 51. 4-megapixel medium format CMOS sensor camera that’s paired with an X-Processor Pro image engine. The G Format sensor is around 1. 7 times the size of a full-frame DSLR version and measures 43. 8x32. 9mm, but what really sets this camera apart are its dimensions.

The 3. 2-inch LCD features a tilting design.

Built with a rangefinder body design, the GFX 50R is portable too, weighing just 775g (that’s 145g lighter than the GFX 50S. Fuji explain that the rangefinder style design allows you to keep your eye on a subject while looking through the viewfinder with the other eye.

With a slimmed down design, there's a 145g weight saving over the GFX 50S.

While Fuji have managed to shrink the size of a medium format camera, they’ve also tried the same with the price-tag as the GFX 50R will cost $4,449 when it starts shipping in November. Now, that’s a considerable investment, but given what medium format cameras offering the same resolution usually go for, that price-tag actually represents extremely good value for money.

The 50R's sensor is 1. 7x bigger than a full-frame DSLR version.

Also featuring an ISO range of 100-12800 that can be expanded to 50-102400, the 50R includes a 3. 2-inch tilting touch-sensitive LCD and dual SD card slots. Like other cameras in the Fuji range, the 50R include the Film Simulation modes such as Velvia, PROVIA and ACROS to help you capture a stylised tone to the frame.

The 50R is the first model from the GFX range to support Bluetooth and that rangefinder-style body is built from tough magnesium alloy with no less than 64 weather seal points. Able to operate in conditions down to -10-degrees, the milled aluminium dials give another hint to the premium build quality.

So, what's the image quality like? Well, check out these official sample images released by Fuji and taken by pro photographer Eric Bouvet, using the new GFX 50R.

Image by Eric Bouvet

Image by Eric Bouvet

Image by Eric Bouvet


gfx 50r caption format

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