Google’s Image Captioning AI Can Describe Photos with 94% Accuracy

Google’s Image Captioning AI Can Describe Photos with 94% Accuracy

Well, you can add “captioning photos” to the list of jobs robots will soon be able to do just as well as humans. After some training, the latest version of Google’s “Show and Tell” algorithm can describe the contents of a photo with staggering 94% accuracy. Show and Tell is in the news today because […]

google image captioning can describe photos accuracy

2016-9-24 01:05

google image → Результатов: 1 / google image - фото


Google uses neural networks to improve image compression

A research team at Google has developed a way to use neural networks to compress image files in a more efficient way than current methods, such as the JPEG standard. The team built an artificial intelligence system using Google's open source TensorFlow machine learning system, and then used 6 million random reference photos from the internet that had been compressed using conventional methods to train it. »

2016-08-24 21:33