Red Hydrogen One hands-on The story of a flagship smartphone launch in 2018 typically goes like this: "This is a phone. It's the same as the phone that came before it, only it has a new processor and bigger screen.
It's screenier. Also, the camera hardware is mostly the same but software improvements give it a better Portrait Mode and HDR capabilities. Something something artificial intelligence. Oh, and it costs about $1000. "
That's not the story of the Red Hydrogen One – the long anticipated smartphone debut from the highly regarded cinema camera maker. From the first teasers in July 2017 the device's marquee feature was clear: a holographic '4V' display that would be able to show 3D photos and video (no special glasses required) as well as traditional 2D content. Several delays later, the Hydrogen One is officially here and thanks to our friends at Glazer's Camera in Seattle, we've had a chance to check out this display we've heard so much about.
It's a 5. 7" 1440 x 2560 screen bordered on the top and bottom by a significant bezel. It's a perfectly nice, bright screen for viewing 2D content, but any old phone can do that. So what of its signature feature? Well, we don't have a lot of great things to say about it. Neither does the rest of the internet.
A Content Experience
The 3D effect when viewing photos and videos ranges from passable to downright bad. Images pre-loaded onto the device and the photos on Holopix, Red's version of Instagram for 3D images, so far look decent. But even when it's good, the 3D effect looks more gimmicky (remember Magic Eye? Like that) than photo-realistic and is a distraction unto itself. When it's bad, as it has been in many of the photos we've taken ourselves, it's actually sort of nauseating.
Three-dimensional elements jump around on the screen as you tilt the display, and the device struggles with complex subjects like dog fur – some random bits seem "sunken" into the background that shouldn't be. Worse, 3D content appears a bit fuzzy. It's just. . . not good.
Rear camera
The Hydrogen One uses two rear-facing cameras but they're not a dual camera system like we're used to seeing on an iPhone or Samsung device. Red's phone uses the same two 12MP F1. 8 cameras in order to create the stereoscopic effect in photos and video. They also need to be side-by-side horizontally, meaning you can only capture 3D images with the rear cameras in landscape orientation (likewise the front-facing cameras must be used in portrait orientation).
Camera app
The Red camera app offers a Manual shooting mode with access to ISO and shutter speed, and despite the unorthodox dual-camera there's still a Portrait Mode available (and it's not half bad in our limited use). There's a small, red button that acts as a physical shutter release.
When shooting in 2D mode the screen brightens momentarily to indicate when you've taken a photo, but there's no such feedback when you take a 3D photo aside from the small gallery thumbnail image refreshing, which is a disconcerting experience. That is, unless you leave the comically exaggerated shutter sound on, and if that's the case, just know that you're a monster.
Front-facing camera
Two 8. 3 megapixel cameras are on the front side of the device, meaning you can take 3D selfies (again, only in portrait orientation). I find the very concept of a 3D selfie horrifying, but one of my colleagues took one wearing her Halloween costume and it really is one of the better examples of the 3D effect in all of our time using the phone.
General handling
The Hydrogen One doesn't adhere to the minimalist design principles of most modern smartphones. It's unapologetically big, heavy, and rugged as heck (though not actually water-resistant). It says MEDIA MACHINE on the back plate around the logo. The edges feature curved indentations for fingers to grip, but I found these made the phone more awkward to handle. Plus, volume and power buttons are nestled into those indentations and I've lost count of how many times I accidentally pressed a button.
System potential
It's probably evident by now that we aren't big fans of the Hydrogen One, at least in its current state. But setting the disappointing 3D effects aside, there are good reasons why the phone could be genuinely useful to filmmakers. For example, Red has indicated that the Hydrogen One will interface with the company's line of professional video cameras, and chances are good it will provide a unique level of utility to users of the company's cameras.
What's potentially more interesting, however, is the future of the Hydrogen One as part of a cinema camera system. Red has touted an upcoming module with a sensor and interchangeable lens mounts (connecting via the pins pictured above), and has even suggested that image quality would only be surpassed by Red's bigger cameras. That's a big claim, and if Red delivers we'll be impressed.
A new hope
In the same way that smartphone companies have transformed the photo industry by turning the camera in your pocket into something even a pro would use, we'd like to believe that Red may be on the verge of doing the same for cinema cameras. As a standalone device the Hydrogen One is pretty disappointing, but there's hope in the expansion of the system.
. dpreview.com2018-11-2 16:00