Instead Of Showing What People With Rare Diseases Can’t Do, This Campaign Shows Us What They Can

Instead Of Showing What People With Rare Diseases Can’t Do, This Campaign Shows Us What They Can

A year ago we, Irena Mila, Elena Fidanovska, Verica Piperevska as authors of this artworks, the sociologist Ivanna Hadzievska and Ance Tufekdzieva, Daniela Mircheska as parents of kids with Down Syndrome and Autism and Teano Cardula as a sister to our Erato, started our first photo - project, first of its kind in Macedonia called „Awakening“.

With couple of exhibitions and events during the past year we managed to rise the awareness about the people with disabilities and rare diseases and conditions demonstrating what they could do rather than what they couldn’t. In our campaign our friends with condition Down Syndrome, Autism, HAE, Gaucher’s disease, Tuberous sclerosis, Јуvenile dermatomyositis, Spinal muscle dystrophy, hearing loss and other rare diseases, were the models showing us dear dreams and what they are and what they can do. .

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2017-10-13 21:02

what they → Результатов: 4 / what they - фото


Heartwarming Campaign Demonstrates What People With Rare Diseases Can Do Instead Of What They Can’t

A year ago we, Irena Mila, Elena Fidanovska, Verica Piperevska as authors of this artworks, the sociologist Ivanna Hadzievska and Ance Tufekdzieva, Daniela Mircheska as parents of kids with Down Syndrome and Autism and Teano Cardula as a sister to our Erato, started our first photo - project, first of its kind in Macedonia called „Awakening“. »

2017-10-11 21:02