Trail Camera Captures Rare Images of Family of Endangered Florida Panthers
A trail camera captured rare footage of a family of four elusive and endangered Florida panthers this weekend.
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A trail camera captured rare footage of a family of four elusive and endangered Florida panthers this weekend.
[Read More] »Photographer Joel Sartore has reached a significant milestone in his incredible Photo Ark series, photographing the project's 15,000th species, the endangered Miami tiger beetle (Cicindelidia floridana). [Read More] »
A team comprised of Zaira Rangers, a mammologist from the University of Melbourne, and a professor from Solomon Islands National University have taken the only photos ever of the exceptionally rare Vangunu giant rat. [Read More] »
Camera traps in Malaysia have provided a rare glimpse into the country's wildlife and conservation efforts, especially those surrounding extremely rare Malayan tigers. [Read More] »
The boreal toad is Colorado’s only alpine species of toad; this high-altitude amphibian lives at 7,000 to 12,000 feet of elevation in mountain ponds and lakes. They used to thrive, but are now facing a severely declining population. [Read More] »
When Donal Boyd visits Africa, he doesn’t just train his lens on exotic species like giraffes. This latest installment of “In the Field with Donal Boyd,” created with Adorama, follows a few packs of African wild dogs. [Read More] »
Smartphone manufacturer Oppo and National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore have partnered to produce a set of photos and videos of various at-risk animals whose unique colors are in danger of disappearing forever. »
Photographer Tim Flach has three goldfish and two Burmese cats. The latter, Hunt and Blue, eagerly keep their owner company while he works, even though they would probably gladly devour some of his subjects. »
Back in 2008, the World Wildlife Fund teamed up with Yoshiyuki Mikami to create an incredibly powerful campaign using photos of endangered species where every pixel represented one animal left in the wild. »
Sony and the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) have worked together to help raise awareness of some of the world’s rarest species through a stunning photography series shot entirely on the Sony RX10 III camera. Read more and comment » »