It's not official yet, but it appears Zeiss will soon announce the Otus 100mm F1. 4 lens for Canon EF and Nikon F mounts, making it the longest focal length in the Otus lineup. DPReview has obtained leaked images, with permission, from Nokishita showing in detail the impending manual lens and its accompanying specifications from Zeiss.
According to the leaked technical sheets (that appear to come directly from Zeiss), the lens will feature an Apo Sonnar design with 14 optical elements in 11 groups including one aspherical element placed at the very back of the lens and multiple 'special glass' elements throughout. It will feature an aperture range of F1. 4 - F16, have a minimum focusing distance of 100cm / 39. 37in and weighs in at 1336g / 2. 95lbs for the Nikon F version and 1405g / 3. 10lbs for the Canon EF version.
The lens features a nearly identical design to Zeiss' three other Otus lenses — the 28mm F1. 4, 55mm F1. 4 and 85mm F1. 4 — and features the same 86mm front filter thread as the other three to negate the need of stepping rings for filters and accessories. Below is a full gallery of product shots of the unreleased lens:
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Being the lens isn't yet official there's no detail on availability or pricing, but based on the $4,990 price tag for Zeiss' other Otus lenses, it's a safe bet the 100mm F1. 4 will end up around the $5,000 mark.
. dpreview.com2019-4-11 23:08