Leica has released a major 2. 0 firmware update for its SL2-S full-frame camera, adding a collection of new and improved features, especially for video shooters. The first improvement Leica notes in its 2.
0 firmware update for the SL2-S is a new autofocus algorithm that it says improves eye/face/head/body recognition as well as tracking performance.
On the video front, Leica has added internal 4K recording with 10-bit at 60p/50p with the H. 265 codec. Long-GOP recording in 10-bit at 150–200Mbps is also available now, which should offer the same image quality as All-Intra while taking up less than half the amount of data.
Leica has also added a Segmented Video setting that will split videos into 60 second segments to mitigate risk of losing all of your video in the event data somehow becomes corrupted, as well as the ability to upload individual Look Up Tables (LUTs).
Next up is Automatic Follow Focus, a new setting that lets users define three focus points and have the camera rack focus between those points automatically while recording video. Image Overlay is another new feature that displays a still from a previous shot overlaid on the display in a transparent mode so you can more easily line up your next shot for continuity.
Other features include an Enhanced Live View mode for better low-light image composition, a waveform monitor overlay, a color bar option for reference during post-production and a Tally Mode that shows a red frame around the video on the display to make it more clear the camera is recording.
You can find a download link and installation instructions for firmware version 2. 0 for the Leica SL2-S on Leica’s website:
Firmware version 2. 0 for the Leica SL2-S
. dpreview.com2021-5-5 21:03