Leica launches Kevlar-covered ‘Reporter’ version of its M10-P camera

Leica launches Kevlar-covered ‘Reporter’ version of its M10-P camera
ФОТО: dpreview.com

Leica has launched a Kevlar-trim 'Reporter' version of its M10-P camera , but at $8795/ $(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_8906473069","galleryId":"8906473069","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); The new Leica M10-P ‘Reporter’ features a deep green paint that looks to me like NATO Green, and is wrapped in Kevlar where the usual leatherette would be on an M body.

Kevlar is of course used in bullet-proof materials, so should provide a nice long lasting finished as well as a good non-slip grip. While the Kevlar trim is black when the camera is new Leica says that, with exposure to UV light, over time it will change to become the same color as the camera’s body paint.

The Reporter edition is limited to 450 units worldwide, and comes at a premium of $1000/

The Leica M10-P Reporter is available now. For more information see the Leica website.

Press release


Leica M10-P ‘Reporter’: A homage to the great reportage photographers of our time

Wetzlar, 21 January 2021 — Leica Camera is pleased to launch the M10-P ‘Reporter’ following the special announcement made at the 40th anniversary of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA). This limited-edition camera celebrates Leica’s history of making cameras to meet the needs of press and reportage photographers. The M10-P ‘Reporter’ now follows in the footsteps of cameras such as the Leica 250 (1933), whose film cassette held 250 exposures and the Leica MP (1956) – a Leica M3 variant which was equipped with the Leicavit rapid winder, following the suggestions of renowned photographers, Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898–1995) and David Douglas Duncan (1916–2018).

In terms of its technical specifications, the M10-P ‘Reporter’ is identical to the Leica M10-P; exceptionally discreet and concentrates entirely on the most essential camera functions, the Leica M10-P embodies the essence of the M-System philosophy and retains the celebrated and iconic, yet understated design of previous models. The M10-P ‘Reporter’ features a unique dark green finish and Kevlar camera trim, an extremely high-strength synthetic fibre frequently used in the production of ballistic-protective clothing and reflects the challenging conditions under which many of the most remarkable reportage photographs of our time were created. The light green engravings are inlaid to create a more discreet effect than the white inlays customarily used on black-finish cameras; its diamond-weave texture gives the camera extra grip and makes it comfortable to hold. In a unique feature, the camera’s body armour will gradually turn the same colour as its top and base plates through exposure to sunlight, developing its own patina over time and making each camera completely unique.

The Leica M10-P Reporter is on sale from today online at store. leica-camera. com/uk for



leica m10-p reporter camera its kevlar

2021-1-22 23:42

leica m10-p → Результатов: 45 / leica m10-p - фото

Фото: dphotoworld.net

Leica M10-P «Reporter» оценена в $8795

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cameralabs.org »

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