Lightroom Classic and CC Are Nearly Identical, So Why Two Programs?

Lightroom Classic and CC Are Nearly Identical, So Why Two Programs?

When Lightroom CC originally launched it was woefully behind Classic from a features perspective. Photographers who had come to expect certain tools and performance were greeted with an underpowered CC, and few gave it a second glance after that.

But now, nearly five years later, those same photographers might not know that they are nearly identical now. So then, why do we have two versions of the same software?

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lightroom classic are nearly identical why two

2022-1-22 22:08

lightroom classic → Результатов: 59 / lightroom classic - фото

Lightroom Classic 11. О новых инструментах выделения подробно. Заметка от Александра Онищенко

Читать далее Lightroom Classic 11. О новых инструментах выделения подробно. Заметка от Александра Онищенко »

2021-11-18 12:04

Adobe Lightroom Classic получил инструмент Color Grading

Компания Adobe выпустила большое октябрьское обновление для своего RAW-конвертера Lightroom Classic. Lightroom Classic получил новые инструменты. Например, такие как — Color Grading (инструмент тонирования, меняет цвета в тенях, корректирует цвет, полутона и свет). »

2020-10-20 20:46


Lightroom Classic 10.0 Features Performance Improvements, Color Grading and More

Though news started rolling out yesterday, today Adobe has officially released Lightroom Classic 10. 0 which brings new controlled adjustments for shadows, midtones, and highlights in the Color Grading tool, faster editing with improved performance enhancements, real-time tethering support for Canon, and more. »

2020-10-20 16:00

Lightroom Classic получил поддержку Sony Pixel Shift

Lightroom Classic CC 7. 3, выпущенный в апреле 2018 года получил поддержку камеры A7III и её особого формата файлов ARQ. Файл ARQ имеет размер около 343Мб и создается из 4 файлов ARW, сделанных со смещением сенсора изображения. »

2018-04-15 17:42

Lightroom Classic CC v7.2

Lightroom Classic CC v7.2 has just been released. This version offers faster performance on machines with 12 GB of RAM or more, when you import and export photos, move between photos in Loupe view, or create HDR images and panoramas. »

2018-02-13 12:30

Thanks Adobe! There Are Two Different Versions of Adobe Lightroom CC Now

Today, Adobe is introducing brand new versions of Adobe Lightroom entitled Adobe Lightroom CC and Adobe Lightroom Classic CC. What's the difference you ask? The way that I like to think of it is that it's more or less designed for more of the desktop, classic (hint hint) experience while the other is more centered around the people who can't figure out how to work sliders unless they're in an Instagram-like interface. »

2017-10-18 16:00