The Nikon Zfc, announced in 2021, received a colorful facelift in the form of the Nikon | Heralbony Zfc.
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petapixel.com2024-9-13 19:17
The Nikon Zfc, announced in 2021, received a colorful facelift in the form of the Nikon | Heralbony Zfc.
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Nikon has returned to a somewhat unusual and very consumer-friendly marketing tactic with a new 30-day Trial program for the retro-inspired Nikon Zfc APS-C mirrorless camera. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2023-10-27 23:38
The Nikon Zfc is a crop sensor mirrorless digital camera designed to replicate the classic Nikon FM2 Film camera, often considered one of the best 35mm film cameras of all time. petapixel.com »
2023-05-04 00:32
If you're like me, you were all about the hype machine before the Nikon ZFc was announced. Nikon sold it all to the world as something super lightweight. And indeed it is, but it also feels kind of cheap. thephoblographer.com »
2021-11-17 14:00
If you read our article back in May about the need for a mirrorless retro body from Nikon, you would have noticed how badly I was hoping for a full-frame sensor in there. Didn't get that, nor did it come close to the 30-megapixel resolution I was hoping for. thephoblographer.com »
2021-08-30 07:00
The Nikon ZFc has been accused by a few folks of basically being a Fujifilm rip-off. But that's not the case. Realistically, the Nikon ZFC is the company's modernization of the Nikon Df. They've desperately needed a retro style camera body. thephoblographer.com »
2021-07-10 01:00
The closer it got to the release date, the more apparent it became that Nikon's Zfc was going to be a crop sensor body. This was a feature that I was desperately hoping against, having made the decisive and firm jump to Full-Frame sensors nearly a decade ago. thephoblographer.com »
2021-07-02 01:00
I'm bound to believe that the Nikon ZFc will be looked at in multiple ways. First, this is a brave step for Nikon. The Nikon ZFc is smaller and lighter than the FM2 while having weather resistance built-in. thephoblographer.com »
2021-06-29 07:01
Буквально на днях Photar. ru опубликовал первую информацию пока не анонсированной камеры в ретро-стиле – Nikon Zfc. На тот момент, ни один из источников не подтвердил дизайн камеры, и фотографии представленные в новости были просто примером. photar.ru »
2021-06-15 15:23
Компания Nikon готовится представить новую беззеркальную камеру. Она будет выполнена в ретро-дизайне. Об этом устройстве Photar. ru уже сообщал ранее. Сообщалось, что камера получит матрицу формата APS-C, а внешне будет схожа с с камерой Nikon DF. photar.ru »
2021-06-14 15:08
APS-C беззеркальная Z-камера Nikon начального уровня в стиле ретро реальна и будет анонсирована, по слухам, в ближайшее время.
dphotoworld.net »2021-06-14 05:41