Photography Project Shows Mothers Breastfeeding Their Toddlers And Children

Photography Project Shows Mothers Breastfeeding Their Toddlers And Children

In 2015, following the birth of my second son, I started a project called “What Does Breastfeeding Look Like?” in which I attempted to answer that very question through the art of documentary photography.

Over the past 3 years, I have ventured into homes and documented the lives of mothers breastfeeding their young. From my home country of Australia to the remote villages of Brazil, I have tried to shed a light on what the breastfeeding experience is like for women around the world today. .

photography project shows mothers breastfeeding their toddlers

2018-9-13 05:30

photography project → Результатов: 2 / photography project - фото

Film Photography Project Introduces New Line of Hand-Rolled Films

In a fitting gesture of love for film photography, the Film Photography Project has launched a new line of hand-rolled 35mm black and white films on -- yep, you guessed it -- February 14. Learning that there are more rare emulsions for us to try is just the stuff that film lovers and ardent monochrome fans needed on this occasion. »

2018-02-16 11:00