Sony removes remaining DSLTs from its website suggesting the A-mount is all but dead

Sony removes remaining DSLTs from its website suggesting the A-mount is all but dead

Sony’s last A-mount camera was the a99 II, which was released in September 2016. It appears as though Sony has discontinued its remaining DSLTs*, suggesting the A-mount era is over. As noted today by Sony Alpha Rumors, Sony’s a68, a77 II and a99 II A-mount DSLT cameras are no longer listed on its website and are even disappearing from online retailers.

It’s unknown when these changes occurred, but based on a snapshot of Sony’s camera listing page via Wayback Machine, the listings have been gone since at least April 28, 2021.

An illustration showing the internal construction of the LA-EA5 adapter, with emphasis on the screw-drive motor.

News regarding Sony’s A-mount lineup has been scarce over the past few years. The last notable announcement regarding the A-mount was the release of the LA-EA5 in September 2020. The LA-EA5 is a compact A-mount to E-mount adapter that appears to have been a transitional product for ushering in A-mount users to Sony’s E-mount system.

We have contacted Sony to confirm the discontinuation of the a68, a77 II and a99 II A-mount DSLT cameras, but have yet to receive a response as of publication. We will update accordingly if we receive a response.

*Sony's use of fixed translucent mirrors means the term 'DSLR' is somewhat of a misnomer for the majority of its A-mount cameras.


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2021-5-7 23:00

a-mount sony → Результатов: 18 / a-mount sony - фото


Sony выпускает полнокадровую зеркалку A99 II с байонетом A-mount и 42 Мп сенсором

Компания Sony выпускает новую полнокадровую зеркальную фотокамеру с байонетом A-Mount. В Sony A99 II вложили 42,4 Мп датчик Exmor R CMOS с обратной засветкой. Специальный дизайн сенсора обеспечивает улучшенное улавливание света и быстрое считывание данных. »

2016-09-23 00:02