Striking Photo of a Diving Cormorant Wins the 2020 Audubon Photography Awards

Earlier today, the National Audubon Society announced the winners of the 2020 Audubon Photography Awards. Known the for highlighting some of the most spectacular bird photography in the world, this year’s contest winners did not disappoint.

This year’s winners were selected from over 6,000 submissions that came in from photographers across all 50 United States, […].

photography winners audubon

2020-7-9 23:22

photography winners → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 18 / photography winners - ôîòî

These are the Winners of the 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

The World Photography Organization has revealed the winners of this year’s Sony World Photography Awards, one of the most prestigious competitions in the industry. Each image—from the overall winner, to the category winners, to the Open, Student, and Youth winners—demonstrate the power of photography to not only capture a meaningful moment, but to send a […] »

2020-06-09 21:43

Sony World Photography Awards Open categories and National winners announced

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9794723210","galleryId":"9794723210","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); The winners of the ten Open categories of the Sony World Photography Awards have been announced alongside National Award winners from 66 countries. »

2017-03-28 20:40