The Olympus Pen F Is Really Affordable if You Buy It Used

The Olympus Pen F is a highly coveted camera that had a few unfortunate problems. Alas, it's still incredibly popular and awesome. Olympus gave this camera some of the best black and white rendering I've seen on any camera.

They've told us that it's been inspired by some Kodak film emulsions, but we were never clear on whether or not it was T-MAX or Tri-X. It also wasn't weather sealed or had a joystick. But that means that it's nearly perfect for a manual focus lens. You can pair it with a Voigtlander 17. 5mm f0. 95 lens all day and thoroughly enjoy using it. It's hard to find them brand new because there are so many issues with components right now. But you can get them in used condition for a good price right now. If you've wanted one for a while, I'd recommend acting fast before the second-hand market prices shoot back up. .

but camera olympus

2021-7-9 07:00

but camera → Результатов: 118 / but camera - фото


Photokina 2016 interview: Victor Hasselblad would be proud

Ove Bengtsson looks relaxed despite the scrum taking place around him on the Hasselblad booth. Photo enthusiasts jostle to see the company’s latest products while a professional photographer demonstrates various techniques and, no doubt, advantages of the Hasselblad system to a growing crowd, but he seems content to stand back and watch, the hint of a smile on his face. »

2016-09-28 15:00


Should We Be Concerned By The Olympus E-PL8?

With a medium-format system on the way from Fujifilm, Panasonic bolstering its video-centric GH line and the wraps off some serious glass from Sigma, yesterday’s various Photokina unveilings had us surprised, impressed and slowly attempting to justify needing it all in our lives at once. »

2016-09-21 03:00