There's no 'right way' to use Instagram as a professional

Okay so it might not be super minimalist. . . . it might not fit the feed. . . but rules are meant to be broken right?! A post shared by Jennifer Moher (@jennifermoher) on Oct 17, 2016 at 10:00am PDT I don't view my Instagram feed very seriously.

I put some 'work' photos on there that I'm proud of, both from reviewing cameras and my freelance work. I definitely don't do a very good job of curating – people who are interested in both motorcycles and cats would probably like my feed, but I'm not sure how much overlap there really is for those audiences.

So for those who are full-time, working professional photographers who need to hustle clients for a paycheck, how does Instagram fit in? Rangefinder Magazine asked five photographers about their posting philosophies, and got five pretty different results.

Jennifer Moher likes to show people that she's more than just a wedding photographer, so while her feed has a pretty consistent visual aesthetic, there's a lot of her personal life on there, with everything from hikes to coffee cups. Caroline Briggs, on the other hand, says 'a random snap of my coffee cup would be too jarring and off-topic,' and therefore keeps her personal and professional photography in two separate accounts.

Are you on Instagram? How does it fit into your photographic world? Let us know in the comments, and head on over to Rangefinder for the full writeup.

Via: Rangefinder


there are feed instagram who

2017-6-22 22:40

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