Have you heard this one? “I don’t pick up a camera unless I’m getting paid.” Maybe you haven’t just heard it, maybe you’ve said it. At a certain time in my career, that’s exactly how I felt. [Read More]
petapixel.com2022-6-3 19:55
Have you heard this one? “I don’t pick up a camera unless I’m getting paid.” Maybe you haven’t just heard it, maybe you’ve said it. At a certain time in my career, that’s exactly how I felt. [Read More]
Yesterday, I was at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia shooting for Flashes of Hope, a wonderful non-profit organization that gets photographers like myself to volunteer their time and create portraits of kids who are literally fighting for their lives. petapixel.com »
2019-11-07 02:03
For some photographers, printing is the ultimate way of displaying their photos. It brings the image to life, manifest, makes it tangible and ends up just making the photo a thing that you can cherish for forever. thephoblographer.com »
2018-04-16 07:00
Being in the photography business successfully for 40 years has been an amazing journey and a great accomplishment for me. I believe that the people I meet are the best clients anyone could wish for. petapixel.com »
2017-03-09 22:14