Yum Tang Brings Conceptual Food Photography to the Namib Desert

When we speak of food photography, we always envision scrumptious morsels shot in cozy locations. We are also seeing more meticulously styled dishes shot in the studio for out of the box approaches.

Beijing-based visual designer and food photographer Yum Tang, however, brings an even more creative idea to the the table with her series, Food is doing surreal things in the desert. If you’re a fan of totally different kinds of photography coming together to create original works, we’re sure you’ll be amazed and inspired with this series. .

food photography

2020-4-12 13:00

food photography → Результатов: 15 / food photography - фото

Neal Auch’s Dark Food Photography Is a Slap in the Face to Factory Farming (NSFW)

I’m a fine art photographer living in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Most of my recent work concerns the commodification of suffering, and the ethics of eating animals. My work explores these themes by presenting animal organ meats that are intended for human consumption in an unfamiliar context where I hope that the underlying ugliness of our food system is exposed. thephoblographer.com »

2017-05-23 10:00