$1,100 Camera vs $6,000 Camera: Understanding the Differences

$1,100 Camera vs $6,000 Camera: Understanding the Differences
ФОТО: petapixel.com

As the saying goes, “you get what you pay for. ” But how does that rule flesh out with DSLRs? Why is a $6,000 camera 6 times (and $5,000) better than a $1,000 camera? Photographer and filmmaker Peter McKinnon wants to show you.

McKinnon—whose YouTube channel has exploded in popularity over the last few months—has a […].

camera 000

2017-4-10 18:29

camera 000 → Результатов: 8 / camera 000 - фото

Фото: cameralabs.org

Straw Camera: самодельная фотокамера из 32 000 питьевых соломинок

Эту уникальную самодельную фотокамеру придумали фотографы, которым нравится экспериментировать. «Соломенную камеру» (Straw Camera) создали, заполнив деревянный ящик 32 000 питьевых соломинок.

cameralabs.org »

2017-02-24 02:06

Фото: dpreview.com

Earliest known Nikon camera fetches over $400,000 in Austrian auction

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_1322935571","galleryId":"1322935571","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); A Nikon 1 camera sold at auction in Austria this month has become the most expensive Nikon ever, achieving a sale price of €384,000 (approx $406,000) – double the expected maximum estimate. dpreview.com »

2016-11-30 23:35