Couples like to share everything - food, clothes. . . er, we better leave that there. Oh, yes, couples always have a habit of sharing the same photo on their phone screens too. Well, here’s a clever technique to allow you to split one image over two phone screens using nothing more than the magic of Photoshop.
It’s the ultimate project for any image-maker looking to impress their other half, so let’s see how it’s done…
Step one -
Shoot your phones - Make sure your phones are lined up closely together and then capture an image of them. Don’t worry about reflections on the screens as we’ll be covering up these with another image, but avoid using too shallow a depth of field, so dial in a mid-range aperture of around f/8.
Step two
Make a selection - Open the image in Photoshop and then select the Polygonal Lasso tool from the Tool bar. Use the mouse to draw a selection around the edge of the frame. Once you’ve gone all the way around, you’ll know the selection is complete as the black and white lines, often called the marching ants, will change and appear to be moving.
Step three
Paste in your image - Jump back to the special image you’d like to appear on the phones, which in our case is a couple holding hands and enjoying a romantic walk. Click Control + A (or Apple + A on a Mac) to select the whole of this image and then click Control + C (Apple + C on a Mac). Jump back to your phone image and select Edit>Paste Special>Paste Into and your couple image will now appear in your selection frame.
Step four
Resize your image - The image will most likely not line up, so to fix this click Control + T (Apple +T on a Mac). A bounding box will surround the image so simply drag the corner or the whole box to resize and move the image. Remember, you’re trying to place the image so that only half appears as the other half will be on the other phone’s screen.
Step five
Repeat the technique - All that’s left to do is to repeat the process again, starting by making a selection on the other phone, pasting in the image and the lining it up so the two screens look natural. Once complete, click Layer>Flatten image and then File>Save as… to save your image.
Bonus tip: Complete the technique by capturing a screenshot of your phone with a black background. Paste this into place and then head to the Layers panel and change the Blending Mode to Lighten, this will leave the numbers telling the time to give a more natural look.
Final image - There we go, a clever Photoshop trick that bring phones (and hearts) together!
2017-7-14 03:00