Fujifilm GFX 50R Review

Fujifilm GFX 50R Review
ФОТО: dpreview.com

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryStripV2({"galleryId":"8503167453","isMobile":false}) }) 84%Overall scoreJump to conclusion The Fujifilm GFX 50R is a 50 megapixel rangefinder-styled medium format mirrorless camera.

It shares most of its components with the existing GFX 50S, including both its sensor and processor, but re-arranges them into a slightly smaller and less expensive package. And though the GFX 50R provides essentially the same image quality as its elder sibling, the handling and controls make for a very different shooting experience.

Key Specifications

51. 4MP medium format CMOS sensor (43. 8

3. 69M-dot OLED EVF

3. 2" 2. 36M-dot touch LCD tilts up/down

AF-point-selection joystick


1/125 sec flash sync speed

3 fps continuous shooting

1080/30p video capture

In-camera Raw processing

Dual SD card slots (UHS-II)

USB C socket

Wi-Fi with Bluetooth

The Fujifilm GFX 50R is available now with a recommended selling price of $4500.

Fujifilm has also announced a GF 50mm F3. 5 'pancake' lens, shown here in mockup form at Photokina 2018.

Alongside the announcement, Fujifilm also added a 40mm-equivalent 'pancake'-style 50mm F3. 5 lens to its lineup. This lens hasn't arrived as of this writing, unfortunately, but should pair well with the (comparatively) compact 50R body.

What's new and how it compares

The GFX 50R contains many familiar ingredients but what's new?

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Body and controls

The GFX 50R has a different body style, how does that impact the handling and operation?

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Image quality

Check out how the GFX 50R performs in front of our standard studio test scene.

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Image quality vs. full-frame

The GFX 50R's sensor is excellent but so are those of its full-frame peers. Even in a high dynamic range scene there's little real-world difference.

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Autofocus and video

With a contrast-detection AF system and 1080P video, the GFX 50R isn't a barnstormer in these areas. But then again, it's really not meant to be.

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The GFX 50R is capable of incredible detail, but there may be other better-rounded options out there better for you and your style of photography.

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Sample gallery

Take a peek through our full production sample gallery from the GFX 50R.

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See the full list of the GFX 50R's specifications.

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2019-3-6 18:14

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Fujifilm GFX 50R pre-production sample gallery

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_3629279893","galleryId":"3629279893","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); The GFX 50R takes our favorite parts of Fujifilm's 50S – namely, its larger-than-full-frame sensor and range of film simulations – and puts them inside a slimmer, rangefinder-styled body. dpreview.com »

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2018-04-09 14:36

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Согласно последним слухам, камера Fuji X-T3 будет иметь 26-мегапиксельный APS-C X-Trans датчик. Матрица будет многослойной. Многослойные датчики более производительны, чем BSI. В них есть дополнительный слой DRAM, размещенный между верхним слоем пикселей и секциями нижней цепи. photar.ru »

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2017-12-02 17:21