10 Great Lenses to Use for Photography Projects During Quarantine

Nobody likes being stuck inside, especially creatives who thrive on being out in the world. Don't for one second think that just because you are stuck inside your house that photography and your creativity have to stop.

We're living in an unprecedented time right now. Years from now, our kids and their kids will be asking us about 2020. What was it like? What did we do? How did we pass the time? These are the questions that we will be asked. Wouldn't it be great if we could pull out a photo album that we made, or share images with those who wanted to know what life was like for us during these weeks, possibly months? Everyday photography helps us capture these moments that will help tell our stories. The lenses that we have rounded up after the break will help you capture daily moments that will relay the story of our time in quarantine. .

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2020-4-7 16:00

will time → Результатов: 9 / will time - фото

Sony says it will take time to see the A7sIII but it will go beyond the customers expectations!

Cinema5D interviewed Sony Senior Manager Yutaka Iwatsuki. And there are two important take aways about the future Sony A7sIII: 1) Mr. Yutaka said that “for time frame, it may require longer than you probably imagine” 2) This long waiting time is necessary because Sony wants to “go beyond the customers expectations” 3) 8K is not […] The post Sony says it will take time to see the A7sIII but it will go beyond the customers expectations! appeared first on sonyalpharumors. sonyalpharumors.com »

2018-09-27 16:35